Monday, February 28, 2011

Weird Pains In Stomach At Night

Venture off-season: strawberry tart black.

I know I am a very bad example of gastronomy in charge, but you have seen right? I tell you, those giant strawberries in the little box ... I said to him, over and over like a mantra: "Do not buy, are swollen, do not know anything, it is against nature ... and then coming from Spain (It was a cardinal sin - but it is generally a warning of when my husband definitely wants to dissuade from senseless acts like this). But they looked at me with those big eyes and shiny said ... take us take us ...
And I, stubborn, I got them. And I smell, touch and taste, and I guarantee you they were delicious, fragrant, unexpectedly.

What to do? Not the usual cup cream (from me). E 'was love at first sight and within me I knew exactly what I would have married, a luxurious black cream pie with chocolate.

premise: this tart is a must-tachycardia and not difficult to do, but very delicate and brittle, as you can see from the edges sdentellati on my final result. But try this, please, for he who loves you, will not stop more than kiss you and ask you to marry a second time (for the single is a good opportunity!).
Ingredients for 8 people : 500 g of strawberries (in season would be the perfect strawberries)
250 grams of flour
50 grams of cocoa
120 gr icing sugar
200 g butter 1 egg yolk
a pinch of salt
butter and flour for the mold

For the cream
300 grams of dark chocolate
3 dl fresh cream
1.2 dl
milk 2 small eggs

In a large bowl mix the flour with the cocoa and sugar and salt then stir in the butter into small pieces and work quickly with your fingertips trying to create a compound crumbs. Then add the egg yolk and mix much more quickly to obtain a ball. Typically, personally, when it is winter the temperature in the house allows it, I always try to stretch the dough immediately between two sheets of baking paper and put it to rest already lying in the fridge, so the operation is then line the pan very fast and agile. Let it rest, however, at least 2 hours.
Grease and flour a baking pan then place the 24/26 cm vs. puff pastry on the pan and let it positions if by pushing gently with your fingertips. Do not remove the excess dough and pierced the bottom with a fork. Bake the cake for 5 minutes in a preheated oven at 190 ° C. A tip: Put a sheet of waxed paper under the cake pan so that it can collect any excess paste that comes off the edge in this short time (it happens, I guarantee).
Remove the cake from the oven and then trimmed the edges with a knife, and then cook again for another 10 min. After you remove and cool thoroughly.
For the cream you have to boil the milk and cream then add the chocolate into small pieces and melt completely off the heat. Let cool and add the eggs, stirring well with a whisk for a few minutes until you get a nice shiny and smooth mixture. Pour vs. cream in the pastry shell and put in oven for another 17 minutes or until the cream will be compact and not too soft.
Remove from the oven and wait for the time needed to unmold the tart (with care - fragile attention!) Then position the vs. nice clean and dry strawberries on the cake as you like.
Serve and do not close your eyes because you could not find her on the tray.

Sorry for not being able to photograph a piece of cake and show the consistency of cream: I made this tart for a dear friend of Umbria, Isabella, who came to visit with her children and because there was no way ' effect "blitzkrieg to tray" and was regularly checked.

With this recipe I participate in this wonderful initiative promoted by Caris in favor of the Hospital Saint Lucia.


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