Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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The cabbage rolls - or the taste of memory

Amapola - J. Lacalle

When I decided to start this blog, I was convinced that love and the curiosity towards the kitchen and the food were the reasons supporting the so-called "spark". But going forward - and the road traveled is really still very short - I realize that the blog is nothing but the perfect container of our memory.
The blog becomes an anchor to which we cling to retrieve pieces of our lives that would otherwise be lost, the memory of acts of love that we have come up through unforgettable flavors produced by mothers, grandmothers, amazing woman who often lacking.
And as for all of us "gastronome sentimental, "cooking is" to serve love, "we find ourselves repeating gestures that we have seen women do in our lives, a moment of trying to bring them back to us.
I was lucky enough to be born of parents from opposing points of each other. My mother was born on Lake Garda has met my father, to Rome and have been together for almost 46 years, demonstrating that the Lega little theories agree with the sentiments. This pair variegatamente well stocked, had had two similar but very different families into poverty and difficulties of living in postwar Italy.
My maternal grandmother, which I will discuss today, Grandma Gina Teresa for all, has raised 4 children. During the war, my grandfather Donald was a soldier and she is left alone at home, with two small children and an incoming (my mother). Common situation for all of us who have parents and children of war.
lived in Gargnano on Lake Garda, the heart of the Republic of Salò (Do you know Villa Feltrinelli, the home of the Duce?), One of the most beautiful villages of the lake, in a house on top of the mountain, connected to the country by a mule then almost impassable. I spent my childhood in this place and it is for me one of the most beautiful in the world: think only of getting up in the morning with the sound of the stream runs in the bottom of the valley, and looking out the window you can see the lake in its entire length from east to west. Climbs the hill behind you to become mountains.
Imagine around you green fields dotted with daisies and wild orchids, all in soft cover terraced hills and vineyards and olive trees and loads of black cherry fruit in July.
Imagine the sound of the scythe in the tall grass and the scent of freshly cut hay. No, you're in an episode of Heidi, but it might seem.
Well, for a woman alone in time of war, what for us kids seems to heaven, could turn into an inferno. My mother often told me that in the last days of the Republic of Salo, in the middle of the night, a patrol of Germans nearly broke drunks kicked the door, and my grandmother hid in the attic with the kids asleep and the 7-month baby bump and prayed, crying softly they left ...
This granny so strong and determined, was not a cook but knew how to give great flavor to anything, or what it was unfortunate Arrange them in those years.
These meatballs are traditionally a very popular dish in Lombardy to Milan, but in many areas of this region, and each family certainly puts his. The My grandmother made them and they were so special.

cabbage rolls Grandma Gina.

- 400 grams of roast meat (meat was not there in time of war, so the meat was replaced by much bread and cheese, but later the rolls were enriched)
- 80 grams of raw sausage, or sausage or bologna to vs. pleasure.
- 3 tablespoons Parmesan
- 3 tablespoons bread crumbs (in vs. pleasure)
- 50 gr. chopped parsley
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 egg
- salt, pepper, nutmeg, to taste
- 1 small cabbage (in Tuscany is the cabbage) of c. approx 600 gr.
- vegetable broth
- onion
- sweet bacon, diced
- white wine
Prepare vs. Chop the meat balls in a blender (I do not do it too fine because it is nice to hear a some significance when you chew) together with the sausage, then add the Parmesan, bread crumbs, garlic and parsley, egg, salt, pepper and nutmeg, and mix in a bowl (very well with hands because you have to mix the flavors).
then I prepare the meatballs as big as walnuts.
then choose the best leaves of the cabbage, removing the first and the hardest I boil for a couple of minutes (4 or 5 at a time) in a large pot with boiling salted water. I'll dry on a towel, blotting with paper towels if necessary.
After removing the central coast and the leaves divided in half, began to pack my packets of cabbage by focusing on a meatball and closing the leaf with a touch of raffia (or other power cord). This laborious and the operation, but there you will soon hand.
With this amount of dough, you should get 25 rolls c.ca.

If you have a nice piece of broken pottery, is perfect for cooking. Prepare the onion and the Pass with the bacon in 2 tablespoons of good extra virgin olive oil (use butter in Lombardy). So put your rolls in the crock and let them cook a few minutes and then you fade a bit 'of white wine. When the wine is drawn, start firing gradually pour the hot vegetable stock, cover and continue for 30 minutes c.ca. Let the rolls absorb the broth to form a delicious sauce to finish.

I will serve with white rice, Arborio or Vialone that flavor the sauce with the rolls.

Amapola: Grandma, this is for you .


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