Saturday, February 26, 2011

Marijuana Problem Diagram

Alice takes nine years (and I do my first decorated cake)!

Yes, I can not conceal a certain anxiety. It is not exactly coincide with the birthday of my daughter because we still have some awareness of the every day, but the expiration of 365 days that see your creature bigger than a year, has the ability to materialize a kind of mild melancholy , a disturbance is difficult to explain but ... I tell you to do many of you already are mothers and they still are not, if they have the grace to become, they will find the way.
One of my dear American friend, I always say that a child's birthday is also the birthday of a mother. At first I had taken as a statement a bit 'self-centered: a birthday enough for me and I advance, given that now, past forty, I'd prefer to skip. But then I thought about it and me and it is as if I had an epiphany and I found beautiful. I also my birthday: 9 years mammitudine. And woe betide anyone who touches me!

So this year I wanted to make a great gift to my little asparagine. Nine years are important, except that they are the prelude to the number two, the last single-digit birthday ... but let him see her, that would already be 10/11/12 years (aiuto!). All my life will always have two numbers on its documents, with the hope of winning the third, but this year let's enjoy this beautiful 9, round and important as the 9 months when I took her in his lap.
I wanted to get involved and to risk the packaging of a cake decorated with fondant sugar paste. For months I think about it. Although this was a pregnancy. In the past I tried to decorate some cakes only partially and pasta made with marshmallows, but I hope that anyone of you have tried it, agree with me that it is absolutely inedible although the result is interesting.

so I searched around a recipe for dark chocolate with sugar and what convinced me most is that Private Message: simple, clear and with very few essential ingredients that carry faithfully follows:
Ingredients: 30ml. water, g.5 gelatin, glucose g.50, g.450 sifted powdered sugar well.
Put the gelatine to soak in water. Once the gelatin is softened (in the case of gelatin sheets) or it has absorbed all the liquid (in the case of the powder), turn on the gas under the pot and add the sugar and vanilla extract.
Bring the whole (very low heat otherwise ruin is assured) liquid liquid (like water).
careful. If the product you have to throw away all bubbles.

Pour the liquid into the robot (or whatever you want impastratrice) where there is already well-sifted icing sugar. work, adding if a bit 'of water (one teaspoon at a time): the recipe is quite free, season with sugar and / or water so that dough is softer than that for the noodles. Put some 'baking paper on the work surface. Sprinkle cornstarch. Roll out the dough from the center and the rolling pin away from you. Replace the Mount close to the center and rolling pin. Turn the dough. You should not stick to the plan. After each rotation, lift the dough upside down on the arm and put a little 'starch below. When you have made the dough the size of the cake (which are treated sides ..), roll the dough on rolling pin and place it on the cake.
With your hands place them, along on the same sides of the cake and cut the excess.

now: make the sugar paste is not an impossible task with the right precautions. And 'the rest is complicated.

My ambition of Capricorn stubborn and headstrong, he told me that I had to make a cake on the theme of the dance, the passion of Alice, and in my head I had already displayed all: a nice cushion on which lay immaculate 2 points with a lot of pink ribbons. Beautiful, exciting, fantastic ... but how to do it?
premise: I have not prepared drawings, or diagrams or similar things. I followed my instinct and I was helped by a manual agguerita I find myself as a child. I play around with ease, which is drawing template, so I'm lucky in this.

The hardest part were the tips. You know the dance shoes that are crushed and square on the tip? How could I support and give volume to this part of the shoe? The illumination came to me for breakfast, thanks to a plum cake .. that went directly into the tip of the shoe. The rest is history.


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