Monday, January 31, 2011

Folliculitis Difference Herpes

Love, Love, Love! Hearts of hazelnut and orange pudding.

My heart 's opens to your voice - Sansone e Dalila - C. Saint-Saens

January is already over and faces the shortest month of the year. February is a special month in my life, if only for the birth of my daughter Alice, and that is why for nearly nine years.
Before that and for everything else - Carnival, Valentine and the like - in February he has always brought a bit 'of sadness and discomfort. I'm not the type to masquerade parties (but I confess to be intrigued by the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to dress in a manner unrecognizable even for a day, which is sister to the fantasy of being invisible), as I hate Valentine's Day and fatally killed by consumerism. February is a month in between, sort of a raft of start of spring, the antechamber of the return to light. It 's like the Friday' this week: prelude to better times.
As a little boy who tries to stand up and take their first faltering steps and fearful, I decided to join my first contest, even after 3 weeks of bloggitudine.
I came across the friendly invitation of EliFla Cuocicucidici ( ) and I thought: why not? S. Valentino is not my favorite holiday but heart is a timeless symbol, one of those things you learn to draw by children because it is so nice and round and hard, and when you succeed you feel an artist. The heart is the thing in a hypnotic while scribbling on the telephone, you draw with your fingers on the steam of a fogged. The heart often turn a letter or a note or a dedication when the words do not come easily.
So I say "nice to the theme of this contest, why not try? A shower of hearts is sweeping the world of foodblogger, and is not beautiful?

orange and hazelnut puddings
I thought that love destroys you. When we love, especially the first time, you lose control of our body, we have the stomach knotted or invaded by butterflies, the head leaves us to move in another dimension, the legs become soft and our whole body seems to hang wires controlled by someone who wants to make fun of us.
In short we become puddings!
is not yet clear what the cause of this phenomenon metamorphic chemistry, the fact is that each of us, at least once in his life he lived or will live, so I can not to choose a recipe that clearly symbolizes our hearts in love and when I found the journal Salt and pepper, in the January '11.

- ½ liters of fresh cream
- ; 80 gr. sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 orange untreated
- 200 grams of chocolate hazelnut

In a saucepan heat the cream with the grated rind, on the edge, then boiling Add the chocolate previously cut into small pieces. If you can not find on the market the excellent hazelnut (hazelnut are often the tablets with whole hazelnuts, so do not use), use of gianduiotti. The result is the same.
Mix well until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is homogeneous. Then add the eggs beaten with sugar. I recommend you not to beat the eggs too. You should not form the foam on the surface. Mix well with a whisk, and filter if necessary.
the bottom of the molds, well buttered and sprinkled with 2 teaspoons of sugar a slice of orange, then pour the mixture and cook in the oven in a water bath for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
Once baked and let cool. You can serve the pudding with a compote of oranges heated with very little water.
Good Kind to all.
NOTE: WITH THIS POST ALSO PARTICIPATE IN ALL THE CONTEST COCOTTE - Confectionary in Gogo thanks to the friendly invitation of Imma.

Note on the invitation to listen: Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix is \u200b\u200bone of the most beautiful opera arias Sanson et Dalila, and even more poignant in the version played by Callas. Imagine a woman who tries with all his arts to seduce a man with the sole purpose to snatch a secret. Think of something irresistible and add in the voice of Callas. Good Listening.


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