Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Wear A Tie Pin?

Son cold days - Stew! Nostalgia

Studio works for piano 10 - No. 12 "The Revolution" - Chopin

days are cold.
What happens is that you leave the house in the morning covered from head to toe as an Antarctic expedition of the explorer and you start the car parked in the square provided with shore ice breakers to defrost the windows. Once seated in the cockpit, walk the few miles that separate you from the office blowing hot breath on the windshield like a bellows in the hope of creating a porthole from which to interpret the visibility of the road and get healthy save destination. What happens is that once in office, will not recover from the freeze that just about the time to leave and returned home, the only thing that can restore circulation throughout the body temperature is a shower blast furnace.
But the cold, that's true, what you annihilates any response capacity and the ante moral hibernation, until you try it when we finally impigiamata, relaxed, ready to inner peace, sofa to cuddle / batteries you sneaky attacks by turning on the television.

And while you're there you do casually zapping, you stumble across a public telephone tones from megalomania, where one should ensure that the so-called civil democracy in a country, everything ago except that. Frost.
console ourselves that, quietly brooding angrily to the fact that the real Middle Ages for us women today, millions of wonderful people live there next female, create, save, argue, fight and cry deeply than not, women are not all meteorinas.
console ourselves by frost embarrassment that now characterizes our feelings of women in Italy today and versiamoci a nice ladle of steaming ribollita. You know, this anger will boil us well in the belly, but at least your stomach will be happy for a while!

premise - the ribollita do it my way and I'm very generally to eye with the quantity, but try to be precise enough, so excuse me in advance. This is the dose for 6 people.

1 bunch Swiss chard - 100 gr cc.a
a large carrot or a few small
half cabbage ( 300 gr)
half cabbage ( 300 gr)
a bunch of kale (200 g
1 onion - 1 stalk celery - parsley 1 large potato
or 2 small
1 large carrot or 2 small
facioli 500 grams of beans (cooked weight)
tomato paste
extra virgin olive
pepper-salt bread

Soak the beans overnight and then cook them in a quart and a half of water and a handful of salt. The broth that you'll get will then cook vs. vegetable soup, then the water must be in abundance. Now, someone will cry blasphemy, but when I hurry I use the excellent canned beans and the result is still excellent. When the beans are cooked, mash cream (keep aside a glass) with a hand blender and keep warm this stock.
Fate to fry the chopped onion, celery. Chop the parsley aside. When onions are well browned and celery in extra virgin olive oil, I add half a cup of homemade tomato sauce from grandma pull Molise and let the whole. The variant is that the tomatoes are whole, but I like most of the past. All scented with parsley. At this point I start adding the vegetables that I previously cut into thin slices (the cabbage and beets) and they do flavor in pan, wetting then the whole broth. When they are slightly wilted add the rest of the vegetables and beans left aside, and will cover all the stock of beans, and cook (well over an hour or if you prefer).
You got a good vegetable soup, fragrant and certainly tempting, but you can not talk about ribollita, not yet.
usually farmhouses in this soup are served on holidays, and the remains were then "annealed" and lengthened with the addition of bread soup. What is certain is that the version of "Day After" had much more success and there is no home in Tuscany not be prepared at least once a month.
Let vs the rest. soup to cool it and serve it only when you can bring to a boil, after having added some thin slices of stale bread.
I usually prefer to lightly toast the bread and place on a plate by way 'of toast, with a slight drizzle of olive oil, then poured the soup, let it rest and serve. In this way the bread does not "drink" all the stock turning the soup into a sort of pimp. The balance lies in the amount of bread you will use because the real stars of this dish is the vegetables.

This time, for a change, I ribollita served as an appetizer on toasted bread slices, sprayed a great new oil and fragrant black pepper.

Small note on the soundtrack of this post. The study of Chopin's "Revolution", which I invite you to listen to (you will also find great videos on youtube) is a great piece for piano virtuosity. The energy that is powerful and growing forward for most of the music. C'azzecca little with a dish like ribollita, but is very close to my state of mind these days. I hope you enjoy listening. Until next time.


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