Monday, February 28, 2011

Weird Pains In Stomach At Night

Venture off-season: strawberry tart black.

I know I am a very bad example of gastronomy in charge, but you have seen right? I tell you, those giant strawberries in the little box ... I said to him, over and over like a mantra: "Do not buy, are swollen, do not know anything, it is against nature ... and then coming from Spain (It was a cardinal sin - but it is generally a warning of when my husband definitely wants to dissuade from senseless acts like this). But they looked at me with those big eyes and shiny said ... take us take us ...
And I, stubborn, I got them. And I smell, touch and taste, and I guarantee you they were delicious, fragrant, unexpectedly.

What to do? Not the usual cup cream (from me). E 'was love at first sight and within me I knew exactly what I would have married, a luxurious black cream pie with chocolate.

premise: this tart is a must-tachycardia and not difficult to do, but very delicate and brittle, as you can see from the edges sdentellati on my final result. But try this, please, for he who loves you, will not stop more than kiss you and ask you to marry a second time (for the single is a good opportunity!).
Ingredients for 8 people : 500 g of strawberries (in season would be the perfect strawberries)
250 grams of flour
50 grams of cocoa
120 gr icing sugar
200 g butter 1 egg yolk
a pinch of salt
butter and flour for the mold

For the cream
300 grams of dark chocolate
3 dl fresh cream
1.2 dl
milk 2 small eggs

In a large bowl mix the flour with the cocoa and sugar and salt then stir in the butter into small pieces and work quickly with your fingertips trying to create a compound crumbs. Then add the egg yolk and mix much more quickly to obtain a ball. Typically, personally, when it is winter the temperature in the house allows it, I always try to stretch the dough immediately between two sheets of baking paper and put it to rest already lying in the fridge, so the operation is then line the pan very fast and agile. Let it rest, however, at least 2 hours.
Grease and flour a baking pan then place the 24/26 cm vs. puff pastry on the pan and let it positions if by pushing gently with your fingertips. Do not remove the excess dough and pierced the bottom with a fork. Bake the cake for 5 minutes in a preheated oven at 190 ° C. A tip: Put a sheet of waxed paper under the cake pan so that it can collect any excess paste that comes off the edge in this short time (it happens, I guarantee).
Remove the cake from the oven and then trimmed the edges with a knife, and then cook again for another 10 min. After you remove and cool thoroughly.
For the cream you have to boil the milk and cream then add the chocolate into small pieces and melt completely off the heat. Let cool and add the eggs, stirring well with a whisk for a few minutes until you get a nice shiny and smooth mixture. Pour vs. cream in the pastry shell and put in oven for another 17 minutes or until the cream will be compact and not too soft.
Remove from the oven and wait for the time needed to unmold the tart (with care - fragile attention!) Then position the vs. nice clean and dry strawberries on the cake as you like.
Serve and do not close your eyes because you could not find her on the tray.

Sorry for not being able to photograph a piece of cake and show the consistency of cream: I made this tart for a dear friend of Umbria, Isabella, who came to visit with her children and because there was no way ' effect "blitzkrieg to tray" and was regularly checked.

With this recipe I participate in this wonderful initiative promoted by Caris in favor of the Hospital Saint Lucia.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Marijuana Problem Diagram

Alice takes nine years (and I do my first decorated cake)!

Yes, I can not conceal a certain anxiety. It is not exactly coincide with the birthday of my daughter because we still have some awareness of the every day, but the expiration of 365 days that see your creature bigger than a year, has the ability to materialize a kind of mild melancholy , a disturbance is difficult to explain but ... I tell you to do many of you already are mothers and they still are not, if they have the grace to become, they will find the way.
One of my dear American friend, I always say that a child's birthday is also the birthday of a mother. At first I had taken as a statement a bit 'self-centered: a birthday enough for me and I advance, given that now, past forty, I'd prefer to skip. But then I thought about it and me and it is as if I had an epiphany and I found beautiful. I also my birthday: 9 years mammitudine. And woe betide anyone who touches me!

So this year I wanted to make a great gift to my little asparagine. Nine years are important, except that they are the prelude to the number two, the last single-digit birthday ... but let him see her, that would already be 10/11/12 years (aiuto!). All my life will always have two numbers on its documents, with the hope of winning the third, but this year let's enjoy this beautiful 9, round and important as the 9 months when I took her in his lap.
I wanted to get involved and to risk the packaging of a cake decorated with fondant sugar paste. For months I think about it. Although this was a pregnancy. In the past I tried to decorate some cakes only partially and pasta made with marshmallows, but I hope that anyone of you have tried it, agree with me that it is absolutely inedible although the result is interesting.

so I searched around a recipe for dark chocolate with sugar and what convinced me most is that Private Message: simple, clear and with very few essential ingredients that carry faithfully follows:
Ingredients: 30ml. water, g.5 gelatin, glucose g.50, g.450 sifted powdered sugar well.
Put the gelatine to soak in water. Once the gelatin is softened (in the case of gelatin sheets) or it has absorbed all the liquid (in the case of the powder), turn on the gas under the pot and add the sugar and vanilla extract.
Bring the whole (very low heat otherwise ruin is assured) liquid liquid (like water).
careful. If the product you have to throw away all bubbles.

Pour the liquid into the robot (or whatever you want impastratrice) where there is already well-sifted icing sugar. work, adding if a bit 'of water (one teaspoon at a time): the recipe is quite free, season with sugar and / or water so that dough is softer than that for the noodles. Put some 'baking paper on the work surface. Sprinkle cornstarch. Roll out the dough from the center and the rolling pin away from you. Replace the Mount close to the center and rolling pin. Turn the dough. You should not stick to the plan. After each rotation, lift the dough upside down on the arm and put a little 'starch below. When you have made the dough the size of the cake (which are treated sides ..), roll the dough on rolling pin and place it on the cake.
With your hands place them, along on the same sides of the cake and cut the excess.

now: make the sugar paste is not an impossible task with the right precautions. And 'the rest is complicated.

My ambition of Capricorn stubborn and headstrong, he told me that I had to make a cake on the theme of the dance, the passion of Alice, and in my head I had already displayed all: a nice cushion on which lay immaculate 2 points with a lot of pink ribbons. Beautiful, exciting, fantastic ... but how to do it?
premise: I have not prepared drawings, or diagrams or similar things. I followed my instinct and I was helped by a manual agguerita I find myself as a child. I play around with ease, which is drawing template, so I'm lucky in this.

The hardest part were the tips. You know the dance shoes that are crushed and square on the tip? How could I support and give volume to this part of the shoe? The illumination came to me for breakfast, thanks to a plum cake .. that went directly into the tip of the shoe. The rest is history.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2010 Kates Playground Galleries

Raptus greedy: Baci di Dama! A decent

Last Christmas we received a huge gift basket full of culinary wonders that could not be more welcome. All this goodness seemed to have been chosen directly by me as my experience the taste. In particular, a splendid pair of products: one stick of nougat with hazelnuts Relanghe and a jar of cream to the hazelnut spread of Guido Gobino . I will not tell you how long did the nougat, since they are tireless consumer. In particular the Relanghe, I found perhaps the best ever tasted nougat with a delicate but this hint of honey and a perfect texture, crisp and crunchy, without any ambition of splitting the jaws. I went down to the last fragment of a tear to the sorrow of having done.
I waited almost a week before opening the hazelnut cream. You know those cats running around the prey stealthily studying it carefully before attacking it? Then, one evening after dinner, thanks a loaf of bread fresh and fragrant peeping from the pantry, I could not resist so I throw like a cougar on the retro jar. I unscrewed the aluminum cover (a beautiful and very old fashioned), removed the film in the seal, and I was struck by a heady aroma of roasted hazelnuts followed immediately by its distinctive aroma of chocolate ... While trying to recover from disturbance, I focused my attention to the contents of the can and I realized that the cream was covered by a thick layer of oil, which I imagined to be released by the nuts and rose to the surface (the wonders of artisan product). With a knife I patiently mixed in along the cream until it has resumed its traditional glossy and smooth consistency, so I smeared a heavy dose of chocolate on a microscopic slice of bread.
What can I say ... often we do not find definitions for happiness or ecstasy, and behold, I could say that Mr. Gobino managed to put in jars.

I courted this cream for about a month after the first tasting, sipping out of fear that always ended too quickly. But the use of bread seemed almost an affront to such nobility of taste, so I guess you think back, I decided to try it in the Lady's Kisses.
Ahhhgg, I know everyone will say "anathema! In the lady's kisses there is only dark chocolate ganache, "and I know that the hazelnut cream is too sweet to the dough with almonds. But who cares ... I want own tests, at most I will be an attack of blood glucose.

For these kisses lady I made the recipe given by the book "The cuisine of the Italians," published in the late 80's and the fruit of long years of research Vincenzo Buonassisi (you remember?). It 'easy and the result is excellent.


- 250 gr flour
- 250 gr shelled and skinned almonds
- ; 250 grams of butter
- 80 gr. dark chocolate (which I will replace with hazelnut cream).

Toast the almonds under the grill at 100 degrees for 10-15 minutes until when they are golden brown, then remove and let cool. Put the butter soften at room temperature.
Chop the almonds with half the sugar until you obtain a homogeneous mixture and not too thin.
Add this mixture to the remaining sugar, flour and butter into small pieces. You can knead by hand or with vs. robot. Keep in mind that it does not contain eggs, the dough will tend to erode naturally.
To mix the ingredients I used the KitchenAid with the leaf at speed 1 for a few minutes and speed 2 for 1 minute.
At this point, common sense would tell me to let the dough rest in refrigerator for at least one 30na minutes and then make the balls, but I have done exactly the opposite. I have spread the dough on a work surface with a thickness of half a cm and with a 3cm diameter round pastry cutter to cut many disks that I balled up and then I put apart on the baking sheet covered with parchment paper. In this way there will be balls of the same size and you can assemble the best moment of the pack of cookies. Remember that the dough made of butter naturally tends to "sit", so do not like me, who I crushed the first batch convinced that she must help the balls to get the characteristic shape of a hemisphere. I have gone out of flying saucers and I got the Kisses instead of kisses.
After having understood the matter, and I've adjusted the shot came out perfect. Before cooking, I put the balls in the fridge for an hour. Cook for 25 minutes to no more than 160 ° C, and then let it cool before you stuff them. Keep them in a tin box.

against any injury, the Lady's Kisses with hazelnut cream were a scream!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ati R96 Hc3 Driver Xp

Contest - aromatic salad of artichokes and swordfish

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major op. 35 - PITchaikovsky

With this recipe I would like to participate, and with great pleasure, the contest launched by Sonia "Today, bread and salami tomorrow .. " - in collaboration with Illa for People and Ape onlus in support of raising the knowledge of endometriosis. This subtle and little-known disease that affects many women in the world and that what they say, highly disabling, touches me very closely. Two years after giving birth (I immediately a C-section), I started having terrible pain in the groin, I started a few days before your period and I lasted for about ten days. During the rest of the month I was fine but when I got my period, the ordeal began. I've never had menstrual pain apart from the early teens, so this situation worried me a lot. Moreover, neither my doctor or my gynecologist knew about me reasons. At some point I began to feel, touch, a kind of "cyst" in the abdomen. Became more evident to the touch and its great cycle. Not knowing how to get on, I consulted a luminary of surgery in my town to feel I had nothing to say and probably my threshold of pain was minimal if I could not bear a simple menstrual pain! E 'was only thanks to a radiologist friend of the family, during an abdominal scan that gives the magic words: endometriosis.

probably just during the caesarean, a cell has given rise to endometrial this cyst that in a two years has reached almost 6 cm in diameter. I had a baseball and I went crazy in the abdomen closed with surgery four years ago. My doctor informed me that the problem may reoccur but now I'm fine and my life has changed dramatically. But mine was a rather strange considering that the majority of women for endometriosis is a chronic disease to live with every day.

The recipe that I thought this contest is a very light and flavorful dish that combines the simplicity of preparation for a very tasty result.

aromatic salad of artichokes and swordfish - to 4 people.

- 4 artichokes
- 800 gr. swordfish in a single slice
- 1 shallot
- 6 beautiful mint leaves
- parsley
- ; a sprig of thyme
- a teaspoon of pesto pistachios (roasted or pistachios)
- Extra virgin olive
- White bread or Altamura Puglia
- ; water
- Sale
Clean and artichokes, remove the tough outer leaves and leave 4 cm of stem, cut the tip 2 / 3 of the head and soak in acidulated water.
Put the sliced \u200b\u200bshallots in a saucepan large enough and pass it in 6 tablespoons of good extra virgin olive oil and when golden add the drained artichokes.
Let simmer, add salt and pour a ladle of water to cover the artichokes. Let simmer covered for 20 minutes and half cooked add the chopped herbs.
In the meantime, cut into cubes (stew type) vs. the. swordfish and prepared the steam engine. Let steam for 5 min
Once the artichokes are ready, remove them from their base and keep them warm. With the immersion blender, prepare a sauce with the cooking artichokes in which you have added a good tablespoon of pesto pistachios (or even a handful of toasted pistachios) and if necessary another drop of olive oil.
Cut 3 slices of bread from Puglia, and then let the small cubes browned in a pan with excellent extra virgin olive oil, then prepared the vs. dishes, combining the fish sword steamed artichokes and slices of bread and sprinkling it all with vs. aromatic pistachio sauce. Enjoy your meal.

Note Listens: Have you seen the movie "The Concert" by Radu Mihaileanu? A jewel of a film. Funny, poignant, ironic, poignant. I have loved much and I rediscovered this wonderful concert that does not sufficiently appreciated, despite the legendary Peter Ilyich Tchaickvsky is the love of my adolescence. If you have not seen it yet, I invite you to rent a DVD and spend a very special evening.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Travesti Webcam Clips

"M'illumino less" in ParcoAntola Friday, February 18, 2011

Park dell'Antola joined Like every year to the "M'illumino less" promoted by RAI Radio 2 Caterpillar, whose final day will be February 18 next, aimed at raising public awareness of energy conservation and responsible consumption of energy.

Here is a useful handbook points out what are the good practices that should be followed each day to reduce energy waste:

Good habits for 18 February (and beyond!)

1. turn off lights when not needed;

2. off and not left on standby for electronic devices;

3. frequent defrosting the refrigerator. Keep the coil clean and away from the wall so it can circulate air;

4. put the lid on pots when boiling water and always avoid the flame is wider than the bottom of the pot;

5. if you lower too hot radiators instead of opening the windows;

6. reduce the drafts of the frames of filling material that does not pass through air;

7. use tends to create spaces in front of windows, skylights, exterior doors;

8. Do not leave curtains closed in front of radiators;

9. insert special insulating films and reflective of the exterior walls and radiators;

10. use the car as little as possible and if necessary to share with those in the same way.

And remember to turn off all unnecessary electrical appliances and lights Friday, February 18th at 18:00!

In a few simple words of advice old when advised to save ... ....

are worthless if the attentions of many when you go to certain places in the center because you have to undress If you stay with the jacket so you have a sauna heating to max ... see note library, known mag.etc great ... What then go out and sweat drenched microbes are ready to attack etc ....

The question is: what are these campaigns with the observance of all the points above or remember to turn off eg. by the stand of 10,000 TV sets in a single day and then at the same time are consumed tons of heating oil - in excess (as in summer with ... CDZ) - in a minute?

Monday, February 14, 2011

High Protein And No Carbs Shake

Antola in February: the tastes of the Park, Sunday, February 27, 2011

farm. From the milking cow to the production of cheese, the flavors from the land of the table. A day full of experiences at the farm Autre to attend and participate in various stages of cheese production and meet the farm animals. Lunch at the farm (home cooking). The initiative will last a whole day. Info and reservations required Park Torriglia number 010.944175.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

K.t.c Coconut Oil For Hair

How is friendship? Spicy carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting

Dancing Queen - Abba

I missed my corner.
working all day, trying to take care of a family traveling frequently and not least, I have asked several times if this idea of \u200b\u200bthe blog is not the best sock ever had, because like all creatures (and this blog is a creature for sure), must be constantly nurtured, cared for and cuddled and I do not know if I do well!
admit with some shame that it has entered into a spiral of addiction to suspect that every 20 minutes, I'll peek page message with anxiety, pitch the weekend to cook and think about what I could invent exciting to slam on the front page, I bet my husband will light up when the candle follower of the 100th (for now I do not have global ambitions), I consumed as a lover in front of the blog "old" members of other constellations, commenting ecstatic photos, recipes and wonderful personality ... If at least three of these features are considered a sign of "blog addiction" are doomed.

During my last trip to Rome last week, I attended a workshop BtoB (business to business - excuse the technical), with tour operators from around the world. In short, dealing with food and wine tourism in Italy and thus representing the tourism in my country, I met over three days, dozens of potential buyers interested in my product. During lunch breaks, buyers and sellers have shared a great buffet and table top, so I found myself sitting next to a nice Japanese a bit 'shy and reserved. Since I can not keep quiet even if I weld the mouth with asbestos, introduced myself and began to talk cheerfully, giving me a little game, or divining the country of residence of visitors who left and were heading to the buffet tables, the quantity of food on the plate of each. I know that it is not polite, but she began to sbellicarsi laughter, covering her mouth with her hands demurely like the Japanese and letting the game go too gossipy. This approach devoid of shame, he probably made his home near my table, who began to talk about his passion for food and cooking .... He had never done! You know a cataract in full? We forget what we had to tell of flavors in the dishes, recipes, restaurants, people met around the world. The growing mutual enthusiasm has reached the explosion when I, in a pulse shameless, I confessed: I'm a food blogger. That now looks at me with eyes become round, starts laughing and says to me: I am I!
I jumped on the chair ... A slight suspicion I had come, since he had stopped to photograph any dish, but I had mistaken for the peculiarity of the Japanese spirit, always there, ready to capture every detail. Instead it is a fully fledged foodblogger by 4 years, with much of her cooking classes and small seminars, and the dream of buying his own space where open his school (this dream mean anything?).
One wonders: as a friendship? Minimal things, random, strange energies that swirl in the air, chitchat, a recipe, a blog ....

I am of the cupcake in all its variations, is a sweet symbol of excellence for food bloggers. Not because it is the most delightful thing ever proven or the recipe easier to do (in fact it can sometimes be very insignificant and very complex flavor), but because it is versatile, stimulates creativity, colors, objects absolutely beautiful and photogenic. Each of us, at least once in life has prepared or prepare to be inspired by traveling companions. So, in short, is perfect for every post!

Ingredients for about 12 cupcakes

- 80 ml oil extra virgin olive
- 75 grams of sugar
- 1 egg
- 100 gr. Carrot
- 30 gr. finely chopped almonds
- 110 gr flour
- 20 g amaretti
- 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
- ½ teaspoon baking sodium
- 1 teaspoon mixed spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander, ginger)

Cover frosting

- 20 g butter
- ; 60 grams of mascarpone
- 120 gr icing sugar

Finely chop the carrots and if necessary pass them to the mixer, then squeeze thoroughly. Whip the egg with the oil and sugar until creamy and light. Add flour to which you have previously mixed all the powder: baking soda, baking powder, spices and almonds, and mix all ingredients well. Finally add the carrots and mix well.
Pour the mixture for 2 / 3 cups and bake in preheated at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Let cool.

Beat softened butter with the mascarpone cheese for a creamy and swollen. Add sugar sifting and incorporating it well to obtain a smooth, shiny mass.
Decorate the cupcakes with a spatula or sac-a-few and serve immediately.
Note Listens: No, I'm not crazy: I like Abba! In this particular song, which has the power to transform into a second yellow ball in my face of the skew. I love the sense of joy and freedom that conveys the irrepressible energy and an amazing feel like dancing falls on him as soon as I began the first notes. Dancing Queen is the best medicine for sadness and, thank God's, you can take in large doses!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Forpermenant Driving Licence How Much Time


cloth diapers organic cotton cloth diapers

The Itti Bitti Nature Bioallegra of bamboo and organic cotton (from organic farming), are natural, environmentally friendly and comfortable to wear.
adapts to the growth of the child by closing with buttons to press.
diapers organic cotton leaves the skin to breathe and avoid the unpleasant irritation caused by conventional disposable diaper and facilitate the transition from potty to independence!
The washable nappy is made of:
· A colored cotton pants with buttons with adjustable closing pressure.
• A set of pads comprising: absorbent folded into three parts and an absorbent hourglass bamboo and organic cotton.
PS do not need the outer wrap pants.

How To Really Masterbate

My country nest: Blog candy: three years with you!

My country nest: Blog candy: three years with you! : "How promised, here I am! Today, February 2, have three years of blog. I will not be rhetorical, but who would have guessed? I started this b. .. "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Happend To Ls Models?
win 2 cups decorative hand-painted!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Do You Get Ogame Coupons?

The cabbage rolls - or the taste of memory

Amapola - J. Lacalle

When I decided to start this blog, I was convinced that love and the curiosity towards the kitchen and the food were the reasons supporting the so-called "spark". But going forward - and the road traveled is really still very short - I realize that the blog is nothing but the perfect container of our memory.
The blog becomes an anchor to which we cling to retrieve pieces of our lives that would otherwise be lost, the memory of acts of love that we have come up through unforgettable flavors produced by mothers, grandmothers, amazing woman who often lacking.
And as for all of us "gastronome sentimental, "cooking is" to serve love, "we find ourselves repeating gestures that we have seen women do in our lives, a moment of trying to bring them back to us.
I was lucky enough to be born of parents from opposing points of each other. My mother was born on Lake Garda has met my father, to Rome and have been together for almost 46 years, demonstrating that the Lega little theories agree with the sentiments. This pair variegatamente well stocked, had had two similar but very different families into poverty and difficulties of living in postwar Italy.
My maternal grandmother, which I will discuss today, Grandma Gina Teresa for all, has raised 4 children. During the war, my grandfather Donald was a soldier and she is left alone at home, with two small children and an incoming (my mother). Common situation for all of us who have parents and children of war.
lived in Gargnano on Lake Garda, the heart of the Republic of Salò (Do you know Villa Feltrinelli, the home of the Duce?), One of the most beautiful villages of the lake, in a house on top of the mountain, connected to the country by a mule then almost impassable. I spent my childhood in this place and it is for me one of the most beautiful in the world: think only of getting up in the morning with the sound of the stream runs in the bottom of the valley, and looking out the window you can see the lake in its entire length from east to west. Climbs the hill behind you to become mountains.
Imagine around you green fields dotted with daisies and wild orchids, all in soft cover terraced hills and vineyards and olive trees and loads of black cherry fruit in July.
Imagine the sound of the scythe in the tall grass and the scent of freshly cut hay. No, you're in an episode of Heidi, but it might seem.
Well, for a woman alone in time of war, what for us kids seems to heaven, could turn into an inferno. My mother often told me that in the last days of the Republic of Salo, in the middle of the night, a patrol of Germans nearly broke drunks kicked the door, and my grandmother hid in the attic with the kids asleep and the 7-month baby bump and prayed, crying softly they left ...
This granny so strong and determined, was not a cook but knew how to give great flavor to anything, or what it was unfortunate Arrange them in those years.
These meatballs are traditionally a very popular dish in Lombardy to Milan, but in many areas of this region, and each family certainly puts his. The My grandmother made them and they were so special.

cabbage rolls Grandma Gina.

- 400 grams of roast meat (meat was not there in time of war, so the meat was replaced by much bread and cheese, but later the rolls were enriched)
- 80 grams of raw sausage, or sausage or bologna to vs. pleasure.
- 3 tablespoons Parmesan
- 3 tablespoons bread crumbs (in vs. pleasure)
- 50 gr. chopped parsley
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 egg
- salt, pepper, nutmeg, to taste
- 1 small cabbage (in Tuscany is the cabbage) of c. approx 600 gr.
- vegetable broth
- onion
- sweet bacon, diced
- white wine
Prepare vs. Chop the meat balls in a blender (I do not do it too fine because it is nice to hear a some significance when you chew) together with the sausage, then add the Parmesan, bread crumbs, garlic and parsley, egg, salt, pepper and nutmeg, and mix in a bowl (very well with hands because you have to mix the flavors).
then I prepare the meatballs as big as walnuts.
then choose the best leaves of the cabbage, removing the first and the hardest I boil for a couple of minutes (4 or 5 at a time) in a large pot with boiling salted water. I'll dry on a towel, blotting with paper towels if necessary.
After removing the central coast and the leaves divided in half, began to pack my packets of cabbage by focusing on a meatball and closing the leaf with a touch of raffia (or other power cord). This laborious and the operation, but there you will soon hand.
With this amount of dough, you should get 25 rolls

If you have a nice piece of broken pottery, is perfect for cooking. Prepare the onion and the Pass with the bacon in 2 tablespoons of good extra virgin olive oil (use butter in Lombardy). So put your rolls in the crock and let them cook a few minutes and then you fade a bit 'of white wine. When the wine is drawn, start firing gradually pour the hot vegetable stock, cover and continue for 30 minutes Let the rolls absorb the broth to form a delicious sauce to finish.

I will serve with white rice, Arborio or Vialone that flavor the sauce with the rolls.

Amapola: Grandma, this is for you .