Thursday, March 17, 2011

Waterproof Walkie Talkie Watch

Italy wet, Italy lucky? 150 years in the rain and roast chicken for consolation.

Inno di Mameli

How did you spend your day of celebration?
With some excitement last night at 22.00, I hung the flag at the balcony of the kitchen window. I did not think I could do it simply because I did not have a flag.
My daughter came home from school with a small flag of handmade paper, painted with markers and supported by a rigid plastic drinking straw. That's nice - I thought - at least a small mark in the house we will. I am saddened, however, the idea of \u200b\u200bnot having a nice big banner and lucid as to fly on a day like this.
But my husband surprised me and coming back later after two days of travel, soft hands me a packet which slides out a large banner in rayon ready to be lowered. Probably it will seem silly, but keeping it in hand I was excited, so I felt like hanging a movement of pride and I thought it was a very solemn gesture.
This morning was nice to see her fly blown by the wind and resist the rain has not stopped for a moment wish to disturb the celebration.
The day's program output in the center in the afternoon to take advantage of the opening of museums, in particular that of the Monte dei Paschi, the historic site, whose visit is subject to authorization complicated during the year but which today opened its halls to anyone wishing to discover the medieval wonders. At three in the afternoon the wind slapping the rain on the windows of the house with a deafening noise, to a four scatafascio water flooded the garden.
Without a word, my daughter was locked in the room to play, my husband, who up to half an hour before maintaining an excellent disbelief saying "now open, now it stops raining" - has sold miserably all'abbiocco post-lunch and I decided that I could also put a stretch to give a nice fanned the pyramid of Cheops in clothes that looked at me sternly from the basket of linen. So no party, no museums, so much water everywhere.
I hope you're braver than me and you're thrown into the fray. Tell me how you spent this birthday.
Birthday wet, happy birthday hopefully. The flag hanging there, but I leave it there: the birthday lasts all year, and then Mica will be present so easy to others, at least try to remember this. I want to make a wish in Italy this: that it is always as strong as my flag, to inflate the wind and resists rain. And always have around so many people like me who loves her, despite everything. Long live Italy!

for this important day, I went on the classic. I had no desire to experiment and surprise, I felt it was necessary to go on and on a traditional dish that always like a big and old (and I had a craving). I made a nice roast chicken with potatoes and sage as did my grandmother Gina.
Serves 4

Roast chicken:
- A eviscerated whole chicken 1 kg of
- Rosemary, sage, garlic, thyme
- Extra virgin olive oil
- ; Salt

potatoes with sage

- ; 1 kg of white potatoes
- sage
- extra virgin olive oil
- salt

Wash chicken and dry well. Sprinkle the inside with fine sea salt and then place a branch of rosemary, sage, thyme sprigs and 2 cloves of garlic. Brush the torso, thighs and wings with plenty of olive oil and then rub it all well with salt. Place the chicken in a casserole dish, drizzle with a little 'oil and place in oven at 180 ° C.
during cooking which will 2 hours or until the skin is not beautiful golden, you will continue to sprinkle (every 10 minutes with their liquid using a spoon or brush. Be careful not to pierce the skin and flesh to do disperse the liquid meat.

Cut the potatoes into large wedges and place in a large pan in which you have warmed up pretty good 5 tablespoons of olive oil and several leaves of sage. Cook the potatoes over medium heat, stirring occasionally until they are crisp and beautiful beaches. Add salt directly into the pan a few minutes before you finish cooking and serve on a platter with the chicken.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Western Party Invitation Wording

Fracchia and Dad's birthday: almond cake with lemon curd and chocolate icing

Happy Birthday to You - Stevie Wonder

Do you remember the movie "Fracchia the human beast"? I have vague memories of the whole story but a part is stamped indelibly in my cerebral cortex, or lunch at his mother's house, in this case represented by Gigi Reder (mythical accountant Filini) mammeschi in rags, with terrific accent dialect (as was, a Sicilian? Calabrese?, help me I have a blank). Yes, well, our poor Fracchia mistaken for a double, was forced by circumstances to dine at the home of so-called mother, who has prepared a menu that can wipe out a gang of woodcutters in Montana not eaten for a month. Poor Christ ingurgita the impossible and finally, exhausted, is subjected to a gastric lavage (or enema? I removed). For the duration of the entire sequence, I do not know about you, but I suffered like a dog, it made me laugh so much, I rather caused some discomfort in the pit of my stomach.
Fracchia Why do I say? Simply because the mothers, and I mean all mothers (oh my God, I am also a mother), are transformed and are possessed by the spirit of the mother Fracchia when it comes to a family lunch.

Today, my father's birthday, we went to lunch at my parents' house. Anticipating the epilogue, I had offered to prepare lunch, "so mom will not tire and you relax," but God forbid, there can be no! In response, she says, "you bring the dessert!"
Ok, so I'd think anyway. "And do not worry" I am back - "Just prepare only two little things" - Here are just two little things that worry me!
Well, not that I was frightened by a table spread, far, I like to eat and when I get home from mine, I do not know, sit down at table with them and find the flavors of my childhood and adolescence, it fills me emotion and triples the appetite.
This is what happened today.

We arrived that we were already hungry. On the table, set for the big occasion, there were already starters, the Italian way,: toast, ham, olives, homemade vegetable oil, parmesan, etc., etc.. My sister arrived, we were there we ate at greedily. And now with the appetizer, fanned by hunger and a better you'd almost right, except that there are still the first, the second outlines the cheese because La Boca is not the strace if not the sa de vaca ", the birthday cake, the cookies at Vin Santo and if you have not exploded with a roar you feel up to Piazza del Campo, the fruit to cleanse the mouth ... .
course for education and affection, you can not exempt themselves from the tasting everything (if you want to taste a portion of a truck driver), then everything is really good but the cheese to begin the first signs of structural failure and looking at the my sister's face with imploring eyes make a gesture with his hand out of time, I try to explain to Mom that perhaps there is no need to pull out the Asiago cheese and if you do not want to kill all family!
We are home now. My husband is lying on the couch like a beached whale, and sometimes by 'life through the decades that yawns are like the twister. I try to figure out when I can digest costoleccio tap dancing in the stomach, and probably I'll go ahead and boiled vegetables for the next 2 weeks. But it was nice (but do not speak about, someone could come get the idea of \u200b\u200busing the family meals as weapons of mass destruction).

As was the birthday of my father and I wanted to make a special cake, I thought it probably would have gone well a simple cream pie given the likely menu. No, I had to overdo it and I made a cake exaggerated, that I wanted to do so, the recipe is on a splendid collection of chocolate cakes with salt and pepper.

Huldah lemon almond cake and chocolate icing.

A tip is to prepare the day before frosting the next morning, before serving. The ingredients are a riot of calories

Serves 10/14 people
For the lemon curd
8 large egg yolks
375 grams of sugar
1 ½ tablespoon of lemon zest
125 ml of lemon juice
150 grams of butter into small pieces

For the cake
250 g blanched almonds and toasted
375 g sugar
350 g butter softened
grated lemon rind 6 eggs
large whole
80 ml of lemon juice
185 gr flour
1 teaspoon baking

For the chocolate icing
200 grams of dark chocolate
100 ml of fresh cream.

Whisk the egg yolks with sugar until they are puffy and fluffy and then put them in a saucepan with the lemon juice and zest and cook over low heat until sugar is dissolved but be sure the mixture is too hot otherwise the eggs will curdle. Add the butter and continue to stir and cook for 5 minutes until the mixture velero spoon. Remove from heat and let cool then put in container and leave in refrigerator to harden overnight.

Grind the almonds and sugar in the robot until the mixture is grainy. Apart from the planetary mount softened butter until mixture is puffy and fluffy. Slowly add the mixture of almonds and sugar and lemon zest, and mix all with the leaf. Beat the eggs lightly and gradually to the mixture uniscile: Go to the next until the previous one spoonful is well mixed in the dough. Finally, with a rubber spatula, add the flour sifted with baking powder and lemon juice.
Pour the mixture on a baking pan with hinged 25/26 cm, buttered and bottom lined with baking paper and place in preheated oven at 170 ° C for 50 min and in any case until a toothpick comes out dry from the cake.
Let cool in the mold.

Bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan. Finely chop the chocolate and add to cream off the heat. Stir until mixture is glossy and thick. Let cool a bit 'before frosting.

Dial the cake cutting the cake in half. Put the first disc on a serving plate and cover it with a layer of lemon curd by staying at a cm. from the edge. Appoggiaci gently on the second disc, cover with glaze and let harden.
The cake is perfect served cold.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Male Erection Wallpaper

cloth diapers cloth diapers solidarity

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Acrostic Names Of Vilson

... this is the end ... liguria mountains' end ...

... this is the end ... liguria mountains' end

from left to right:
Tinetto, Tino and Palmaria islands, Portovenere, Muzzerone, Spezia, Lerici Maralunga, fiascherino bay, tellaro village and promontory montemarcello Caprione

Friday, March 11, 2011

Free Digitalplaygound Online Films

Puntarelle Mediterranee

E 'again, seems to have decided to stay. We ignore it, do not give it importance, maybe you decide to plan for the long term.
I speak softly to tell you that are 5 continuous days here the sun shines.
Monday and Tuesday, despite the clear sky and clean as a freshly laundered sheets, it was so cold that you cut into slices. But he, the sun, always there, red-faced and quiet as usual.
It 's almost the weekend and he still has not really gone: there must be a reason? Maybe that really really Spring is approaching? Well, we do not want to think about, but the body reacts immediately to this light, this heat, these new scents in the air and awaken ago taste buds, the desire for fresh flavors, crunchy and salty.

I found the grocery store, a fine head of chicory with fat puntarelle well hidden behind the leaves of this vegetable sinuous bitter. E 'fire a burning desire to cool the house and having some tasty ingredients, this rich salad that I made my husband and I have enjoyed moaning with his mouth full.

Serves 2
a head of chicory chicory
6 sundried tomatoes in oil
6 Sicilian anchovies in oil
10 Kalamata olives in oil
10 flowers of Sicilian capers in oil
2 teaspoons pesto pistachios
The juice of a lemon oil
salt, pepper

puntarelle Clean and wash well and then slice them in small tufts thin and put them in a bowl of cold water to which you have added the ice cubes. Let stand for a 20na minutes until it is enriched.
Meanwhile all the ingredients chopped, pitted olives, cut into strips, finely chopped anchovies, prepared a vinaigrette with lemon juice, oil Evo pistachio pesto, salt and pepper if you like.
vs Drain. and place in salad bowls. Season with the ingredients and pour the vinaigrette. Mix well and serve.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Mix Jolen Face Bleach


"Mom and malinquenie
u bbèlle is coming always quest'ore
Paree u nen professor and understand.
I'll revaie na jug tri'ste enconre home.
'Stonche p'entrà blame me ... de passe:
I gone?
Mo of course, is they
is also very close to them: a DDOR du rragù "
(Di Pasquale Lena)

Italian Molise is a region located between Abruzzo and Puglia.
No, I'm mad and I will not even make a geography lesson to my blog friends, but a parenthesis consentitemela: Molise know next to nothing and nobody that's a fact.
So allow me to transfer what little I know and as much as I love this land of small and yet so generous. If I'm lucky to feel Molisana in part, is thanks to my husband's family. His mother, Carmela, that we all "Granny Apple" (Earn title immediately after the birth of my daughter, who could not pronounce his name) was born in Larino, an important town in the province of Campobasso, in 25 km from the coast and the most famous Termoli, where some of you will probably be at sea. She married a Puglia that has willingly accepted the honorary citizenship and still lives in his hometown which is tied up in an all-encompassing.
Through her and her brother, Uncle Pasquale, a man of great culture and devotedly in love with his country (the author of the beautiful poetry with which I opened the post), I slowly began to discover this part of ' Italy virtually forgotten. And every time we come back, I realize that it is still true and how difficult it is to find places in Italy so strongly rooted to their tradition and culture of the area.
Molise is a small treasure chest full of jewels and precious ones are related to food. Not because I am slightly set on the subject, but why, and I can guarantee, there are some absolutely fantastic dishes, simple, basic, but incredibly powerful in their evocative of a past still present.
I would like to invite you to travel and stop in small villages with names that seem to come out a novel by Tolkien: Pietrabbondante, Agnone, Civitacampomarano, Casacalenda, Montorio, Guglionesi, Guardialfiera Campomarino ... and so on. Not even the wildest imagination of a writer could create names so charming and full of poetry. Do not you agree? They are small countries where it still reigns the use of saying hello when you meet (even if you do not know) and this is not a sign of a great civilization? Where the house doors are open, children playing in the street, mourning does not go unnoticed and sufferers can not cook for days because the neighbors will attend in silence and generously.

I could talk for hours about this beautiful land and I will do in other posts because there is really much to say, but this time leave about a dish, for which we do not thank you enough Grandmother apple for having shared with me his knowledge and skill in preparing it. These are the famous cavatelli. Not to be confused with the cavatelli Apulia, have their own charity to why, but that's another story.
cavatelli Molise are different depending on where they come from and the family that prepares them, but usually Larino and its surroundings are as small as a fingernail as a little finger and says uncle, Pasquale, if they have to get perfect 10 in a spoon. It 's a simple meal of durum wheat, poor and essential: water and flour. The sauce is usually a mild tomato sauce with a hint of garlic and basil, and on holidays in the sauce can make their appearance of the sumptuous mussels or pieces of beef that were left in the sauce cook for a long time.
The wonder of cavatello lies in its delicacy: when you dig the dumpling dough with your fingertip, it performs a small miracle. It gives rise to a tiny shell, a delicate petal curled that collects the juices and flavors of home and is able to mute even the most cynical detractors food. It 'goes without saying that the hands of women know Molise create small masterpieces, but also you can do that with a little' patience and exercise: my 9 year old girl prepares them at supersonic speed and claims to eat only those that prepares you !

Serves 4

350 grams of durum wheat
water (it takes much flour)
homemade tomato sauce (if possible)
Basil - A clove of garlic
Gentile Extra Virgin Larino.
Salt to taste.

Put the flour and gradually add the water and plucked the flour so that it is absorbed and a soft dough that is origin, begins to take consistency and body. So take to knead the dough by force of arms when using your wrists as you work the dough with egg. Work long until you get a nice smooth and elastic dough that let it rest a 15na minutes in a glass bowl.

Cut a piece of pasta that will always covered to prevent drying out, and roll it up to draw a line as thin as a finger whose sizes then many diamond-shaped dumplings.

now the fun begins: with the tip finger (pick your favorite, I use the index, middle or thumb) Take a dumpling and press dragging on until tterrete a small pastry shell.

Eventually enjoy cavatelli cooked in a flash and when you rise to the surface of your home. looking pan, drain, serve e. .. dream.

With this recipe I would like to participate in 'initiative "150 Italian recipes" promoted by FrancescaV , Which I consider beautiful and full of meaning. They are also happy to participate in the Contest Antonella on Unity of Italy, which expires March 17.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ice Cream, Znacka Inebrya

enough sauce to make a feast of rabbit lasagne with meat sauce.

Just last night my daughter, returning shortly before the dinner dance class, it makes me whole agitated - "Oh Mom, why do not you answer the phone when I call you and dad? I have called a mountain and you do not answer ... we wanted to order dinner! "
Eh? Order dinner? And little by little when I hold this blog I was mistaken for a diner?
Apart from the initial amazement after making the content of the protest, that I could burst out laughing like crazy, with a sense of tenderness and even happiness. Just a few minutes before I talked to my husband who had expressed a preference for a light dinner, vegetable soup or the like, but her car with her father, had begun to make a list of what you would like to eat, in order: spaghetti with tuna, roll omelet stuffed with cheese and sautéed spinach. Ideas clear, concise, compelling. I rushed home both with the same claim and I could not contradict them. But I love when they are so proactive.
similar story today: - Mom, why do not we ever make the sauce? Arghhh ...
you ever wake up on Sunday morning around 9.30/10.00 (to wonder) and go to the kitchen already looking forward to a breakfast slow, sumptuous, full of toasted bread, butter, jam, cookies, cheese, steaming cappuccino and be invested (horror) the smell of fried meat sauce for the bully who makes his entrance through the window from the house in front of tenants? Well, this is the idea that I have the sauce! It's not that I do not like to cook, in fact, I love it when it's ready, but the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting so early in the morning when my nostrils just want scents derived from yeast, aromatic coffee or tea, I destabilizes.
I've been brooding a bit 'up and I autoconvinta, thinking that eventually the sauce is cooked by itself, he wants his time and I can continue to do other things without worrying much. And sauce is.

ragout of rabbit. I used a traditional recipe from Umbria, where the rabbit is often cooked in a rich meat sauce and meat so tender and delicate, often not considered.

Serves 4
- ½ kg of rabbit cut into pieces
- ; 400 gr ripe tomatoes piccadilly or type (if not available fresh) a jar of tomato sauce (I've got home-made and often use that)
- ; carrot, celery, onion, garlic for the fried
- white vinegar (or apple if you prefer)
- extra virgin olive olia
- vegetable broth
- salt, pepper
- 250 g lasagne egg (I used those Capofilone)
- pecorino

After washing the rabbit well, leave to soak for at least an hour in water and vinegar and then rinse, dry well
After preparing the mixture for the sauce, put it in a pan large and lightly fry in olive oil and then when it is browned, add the rabbit and let brown well on all sides over high heat. Add the tomatoes and peel the tomatoes, salt and pepper, then lower the heat and continue cooking for a long time, covering the pan and add the hot vegetable stock as needed. The rabbit meat should detach itself from the bone. At that point, the sauce is ready. Remove from pan the meat pieces and coarsely chopped disossateli the pulp and then put it back into the cooking liquid, add a ladle of broth and cook 10-15 minutes.
Meanwhile boil the pasta in salted water, then drain, toss in the pan and serve with a nice sprinkling of pecorino and a drizzle oil Trevi Montefalco.
Just a sauce for a party!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Weird Pains In Stomach At Night

Venture off-season: strawberry tart black.

I know I am a very bad example of gastronomy in charge, but you have seen right? I tell you, those giant strawberries in the little box ... I said to him, over and over like a mantra: "Do not buy, are swollen, do not know anything, it is against nature ... and then coming from Spain (It was a cardinal sin - but it is generally a warning of when my husband definitely wants to dissuade from senseless acts like this). But they looked at me with those big eyes and shiny said ... take us take us ...
And I, stubborn, I got them. And I smell, touch and taste, and I guarantee you they were delicious, fragrant, unexpectedly.

What to do? Not the usual cup cream (from me). E 'was love at first sight and within me I knew exactly what I would have married, a luxurious black cream pie with chocolate.

premise: this tart is a must-tachycardia and not difficult to do, but very delicate and brittle, as you can see from the edges sdentellati on my final result. But try this, please, for he who loves you, will not stop more than kiss you and ask you to marry a second time (for the single is a good opportunity!).
Ingredients for 8 people : 500 g of strawberries (in season would be the perfect strawberries)
250 grams of flour
50 grams of cocoa
120 gr icing sugar
200 g butter 1 egg yolk
a pinch of salt
butter and flour for the mold

For the cream
300 grams of dark chocolate
3 dl fresh cream
1.2 dl
milk 2 small eggs

In a large bowl mix the flour with the cocoa and sugar and salt then stir in the butter into small pieces and work quickly with your fingertips trying to create a compound crumbs. Then add the egg yolk and mix much more quickly to obtain a ball. Typically, personally, when it is winter the temperature in the house allows it, I always try to stretch the dough immediately between two sheets of baking paper and put it to rest already lying in the fridge, so the operation is then line the pan very fast and agile. Let it rest, however, at least 2 hours.
Grease and flour a baking pan then place the 24/26 cm vs. puff pastry on the pan and let it positions if by pushing gently with your fingertips. Do not remove the excess dough and pierced the bottom with a fork. Bake the cake for 5 minutes in a preheated oven at 190 ° C. A tip: Put a sheet of waxed paper under the cake pan so that it can collect any excess paste that comes off the edge in this short time (it happens, I guarantee).
Remove the cake from the oven and then trimmed the edges with a knife, and then cook again for another 10 min. After you remove and cool thoroughly.
For the cream you have to boil the milk and cream then add the chocolate into small pieces and melt completely off the heat. Let cool and add the eggs, stirring well with a whisk for a few minutes until you get a nice shiny and smooth mixture. Pour vs. cream in the pastry shell and put in oven for another 17 minutes or until the cream will be compact and not too soft.
Remove from the oven and wait for the time needed to unmold the tart (with care - fragile attention!) Then position the vs. nice clean and dry strawberries on the cake as you like.
Serve and do not close your eyes because you could not find her on the tray.

Sorry for not being able to photograph a piece of cake and show the consistency of cream: I made this tart for a dear friend of Umbria, Isabella, who came to visit with her children and because there was no way ' effect "blitzkrieg to tray" and was regularly checked.

With this recipe I participate in this wonderful initiative promoted by Caris in favor of the Hospital Saint Lucia.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Marijuana Problem Diagram

Alice takes nine years (and I do my first decorated cake)!

Yes, I can not conceal a certain anxiety. It is not exactly coincide with the birthday of my daughter because we still have some awareness of the every day, but the expiration of 365 days that see your creature bigger than a year, has the ability to materialize a kind of mild melancholy , a disturbance is difficult to explain but ... I tell you to do many of you already are mothers and they still are not, if they have the grace to become, they will find the way.
One of my dear American friend, I always say that a child's birthday is also the birthday of a mother. At first I had taken as a statement a bit 'self-centered: a birthday enough for me and I advance, given that now, past forty, I'd prefer to skip. But then I thought about it and me and it is as if I had an epiphany and I found beautiful. I also my birthday: 9 years mammitudine. And woe betide anyone who touches me!

So this year I wanted to make a great gift to my little asparagine. Nine years are important, except that they are the prelude to the number two, the last single-digit birthday ... but let him see her, that would already be 10/11/12 years (aiuto!). All my life will always have two numbers on its documents, with the hope of winning the third, but this year let's enjoy this beautiful 9, round and important as the 9 months when I took her in his lap.
I wanted to get involved and to risk the packaging of a cake decorated with fondant sugar paste. For months I think about it. Although this was a pregnancy. In the past I tried to decorate some cakes only partially and pasta made with marshmallows, but I hope that anyone of you have tried it, agree with me that it is absolutely inedible although the result is interesting.

so I searched around a recipe for dark chocolate with sugar and what convinced me most is that Private Message: simple, clear and with very few essential ingredients that carry faithfully follows:
Ingredients: 30ml. water, g.5 gelatin, glucose g.50, g.450 sifted powdered sugar well.
Put the gelatine to soak in water. Once the gelatin is softened (in the case of gelatin sheets) or it has absorbed all the liquid (in the case of the powder), turn on the gas under the pot and add the sugar and vanilla extract.
Bring the whole (very low heat otherwise ruin is assured) liquid liquid (like water).
careful. If the product you have to throw away all bubbles.

Pour the liquid into the robot (or whatever you want impastratrice) where there is already well-sifted icing sugar. work, adding if a bit 'of water (one teaspoon at a time): the recipe is quite free, season with sugar and / or water so that dough is softer than that for the noodles. Put some 'baking paper on the work surface. Sprinkle cornstarch. Roll out the dough from the center and the rolling pin away from you. Replace the Mount close to the center and rolling pin. Turn the dough. You should not stick to the plan. After each rotation, lift the dough upside down on the arm and put a little 'starch below. When you have made the dough the size of the cake (which are treated sides ..), roll the dough on rolling pin and place it on the cake.
With your hands place them, along on the same sides of the cake and cut the excess.

now: make the sugar paste is not an impossible task with the right precautions. And 'the rest is complicated.

My ambition of Capricorn stubborn and headstrong, he told me that I had to make a cake on the theme of the dance, the passion of Alice, and in my head I had already displayed all: a nice cushion on which lay immaculate 2 points with a lot of pink ribbons. Beautiful, exciting, fantastic ... but how to do it?
premise: I have not prepared drawings, or diagrams or similar things. I followed my instinct and I was helped by a manual agguerita I find myself as a child. I play around with ease, which is drawing template, so I'm lucky in this.

The hardest part were the tips. You know the dance shoes that are crushed and square on the tip? How could I support and give volume to this part of the shoe? The illumination came to me for breakfast, thanks to a plum cake .. that went directly into the tip of the shoe. The rest is history.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2010 Kates Playground Galleries

Raptus greedy: Baci di Dama! A decent

Last Christmas we received a huge gift basket full of culinary wonders that could not be more welcome. All this goodness seemed to have been chosen directly by me as my experience the taste. In particular, a splendid pair of products: one stick of nougat with hazelnuts Relanghe and a jar of cream to the hazelnut spread of Guido Gobino . I will not tell you how long did the nougat, since they are tireless consumer. In particular the Relanghe, I found perhaps the best ever tasted nougat with a delicate but this hint of honey and a perfect texture, crisp and crunchy, without any ambition of splitting the jaws. I went down to the last fragment of a tear to the sorrow of having done.
I waited almost a week before opening the hazelnut cream. You know those cats running around the prey stealthily studying it carefully before attacking it? Then, one evening after dinner, thanks a loaf of bread fresh and fragrant peeping from the pantry, I could not resist so I throw like a cougar on the retro jar. I unscrewed the aluminum cover (a beautiful and very old fashioned), removed the film in the seal, and I was struck by a heady aroma of roasted hazelnuts followed immediately by its distinctive aroma of chocolate ... While trying to recover from disturbance, I focused my attention to the contents of the can and I realized that the cream was covered by a thick layer of oil, which I imagined to be released by the nuts and rose to the surface (the wonders of artisan product). With a knife I patiently mixed in along the cream until it has resumed its traditional glossy and smooth consistency, so I smeared a heavy dose of chocolate on a microscopic slice of bread.
What can I say ... often we do not find definitions for happiness or ecstasy, and behold, I could say that Mr. Gobino managed to put in jars.

I courted this cream for about a month after the first tasting, sipping out of fear that always ended too quickly. But the use of bread seemed almost an affront to such nobility of taste, so I guess you think back, I decided to try it in the Lady's Kisses.
Ahhhgg, I know everyone will say "anathema! In the lady's kisses there is only dark chocolate ganache, "and I know that the hazelnut cream is too sweet to the dough with almonds. But who cares ... I want own tests, at most I will be an attack of blood glucose.

For these kisses lady I made the recipe given by the book "The cuisine of the Italians," published in the late 80's and the fruit of long years of research Vincenzo Buonassisi (you remember?). It 'easy and the result is excellent.


- 250 gr flour
- 250 gr shelled and skinned almonds
- ; 250 grams of butter
- 80 gr. dark chocolate (which I will replace with hazelnut cream).

Toast the almonds under the grill at 100 degrees for 10-15 minutes until when they are golden brown, then remove and let cool. Put the butter soften at room temperature.
Chop the almonds with half the sugar until you obtain a homogeneous mixture and not too thin.
Add this mixture to the remaining sugar, flour and butter into small pieces. You can knead by hand or with vs. robot. Keep in mind that it does not contain eggs, the dough will tend to erode naturally.
To mix the ingredients I used the KitchenAid with the leaf at speed 1 for a few minutes and speed 2 for 1 minute.
At this point, common sense would tell me to let the dough rest in refrigerator for at least one 30na minutes and then make the balls, but I have done exactly the opposite. I have spread the dough on a work surface with a thickness of half a cm and with a 3cm diameter round pastry cutter to cut many disks that I balled up and then I put apart on the baking sheet covered with parchment paper. In this way there will be balls of the same size and you can assemble the best moment of the pack of cookies. Remember that the dough made of butter naturally tends to "sit", so do not like me, who I crushed the first batch convinced that she must help the balls to get the characteristic shape of a hemisphere. I have gone out of flying saucers and I got the Kisses instead of kisses.
After having understood the matter, and I've adjusted the shot came out perfect. Before cooking, I put the balls in the fridge for an hour. Cook for 25 minutes to no more than 160 ° C, and then let it cool before you stuff them. Keep them in a tin box.

against any injury, the Lady's Kisses with hazelnut cream were a scream!