Monday, January 31, 2011

Folliculitis Difference Herpes

Love, Love, Love! Hearts of hazelnut and orange pudding.

My heart 's opens to your voice - Sansone e Dalila - C. Saint-Saens

January is already over and faces the shortest month of the year. February is a special month in my life, if only for the birth of my daughter Alice, and that is why for nearly nine years.
Before that and for everything else - Carnival, Valentine and the like - in February he has always brought a bit 'of sadness and discomfort. I'm not the type to masquerade parties (but I confess to be intrigued by the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to dress in a manner unrecognizable even for a day, which is sister to the fantasy of being invisible), as I hate Valentine's Day and fatally killed by consumerism. February is a month in between, sort of a raft of start of spring, the antechamber of the return to light. It 's like the Friday' this week: prelude to better times.
As a little boy who tries to stand up and take their first faltering steps and fearful, I decided to join my first contest, even after 3 weeks of bloggitudine.
I came across the friendly invitation of EliFla Cuocicucidici ( ) and I thought: why not? S. Valentino is not my favorite holiday but heart is a timeless symbol, one of those things you learn to draw by children because it is so nice and round and hard, and when you succeed you feel an artist. The heart is the thing in a hypnotic while scribbling on the telephone, you draw with your fingers on the steam of a fogged. The heart often turn a letter or a note or a dedication when the words do not come easily.
So I say "nice to the theme of this contest, why not try? A shower of hearts is sweeping the world of foodblogger, and is not beautiful?

orange and hazelnut puddings
I thought that love destroys you. When we love, especially the first time, you lose control of our body, we have the stomach knotted or invaded by butterflies, the head leaves us to move in another dimension, the legs become soft and our whole body seems to hang wires controlled by someone who wants to make fun of us.
In short we become puddings!
is not yet clear what the cause of this phenomenon metamorphic chemistry, the fact is that each of us, at least once in his life he lived or will live, so I can not to choose a recipe that clearly symbolizes our hearts in love and when I found the journal Salt and pepper, in the January '11.

- ½ liters of fresh cream
- ; 80 gr. sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 orange untreated
- 200 grams of chocolate hazelnut

In a saucepan heat the cream with the grated rind, on the edge, then boiling Add the chocolate previously cut into small pieces. If you can not find on the market the excellent hazelnut (hazelnut are often the tablets with whole hazelnuts, so do not use), use of gianduiotti. The result is the same.
Mix well until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is homogeneous. Then add the eggs beaten with sugar. I recommend you not to beat the eggs too. You should not form the foam on the surface. Mix well with a whisk, and filter if necessary.
the bottom of the molds, well buttered and sprinkled with 2 teaspoons of sugar a slice of orange, then pour the mixture and cook in the oven in a water bath for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
Once baked and let cool. You can serve the pudding with a compote of oranges heated with very little water.
Good Kind to all.
NOTE: WITH THIS POST ALSO PARTICIPATE IN ALL THE CONTEST COCOTTE - Confectionary in Gogo thanks to the friendly invitation of Imma.

Note on the invitation to listen: Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix is \u200b\u200bone of the most beautiful opera arias Sanson et Dalila, and even more poignant in the version played by Callas. Imagine a woman who tries with all his arts to seduce a man with the sole purpose to snatch a secret. Think of something irresistible and add in the voice of Callas. Good Listening.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Scarica Programma Cd Navigatore Navman Icn 520

clothing Bio

Here is a list of sites where you can shop online for clothing and textiles Bio.
http://www . / & = 1 & type = 2 idMacro

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Brasilian Ladies Squirting

TRAIL and ROAD S. CROSS March 13, 2011

The Trail and Way S. Cross born from an idea and passion of several trailers for hikers and Liguria. The routes, today followed up for a sport are those of the ancient wayfarers and pilgrims, and were the streets of the hard work of all workers who walked these hills for centuries. Organize want to resubmit the eyes of the trailers, and the public, cultural dimension, combined with amazing views, the most beautiful parts of eastern Liguria and more.
The center of all this is the summit of Mount St. Cross, the highest point of the orography of the villages below and at the same time also a crossroads for travelers, shepherds and fienatori, as well as emotions even of modern trailers and hikers.
All info rmation on routes and detttagli for inclusion on the site or direct communications or no FIE 0108606495

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Wear A Tie Pin?

Son cold days - Stew! Nostalgia

Studio works for piano 10 - No. 12 "The Revolution" - Chopin

days are cold.
What happens is that you leave the house in the morning covered from head to toe as an Antarctic expedition of the explorer and you start the car parked in the square provided with shore ice breakers to defrost the windows. Once seated in the cockpit, walk the few miles that separate you from the office blowing hot breath on the windshield like a bellows in the hope of creating a porthole from which to interpret the visibility of the road and get healthy save destination. What happens is that once in office, will not recover from the freeze that just about the time to leave and returned home, the only thing that can restore circulation throughout the body temperature is a shower blast furnace.
But the cold, that's true, what you annihilates any response capacity and the ante moral hibernation, until you try it when we finally impigiamata, relaxed, ready to inner peace, sofa to cuddle / batteries you sneaky attacks by turning on the television.

And while you're there you do casually zapping, you stumble across a public telephone tones from megalomania, where one should ensure that the so-called civil democracy in a country, everything ago except that. Frost.
console ourselves that, quietly brooding angrily to the fact that the real Middle Ages for us women today, millions of wonderful people live there next female, create, save, argue, fight and cry deeply than not, women are not all meteorinas.
console ourselves by frost embarrassment that now characterizes our feelings of women in Italy today and versiamoci a nice ladle of steaming ribollita. You know, this anger will boil us well in the belly, but at least your stomach will be happy for a while!

premise - the ribollita do it my way and I'm very generally to eye with the quantity, but try to be precise enough, so excuse me in advance. This is the dose for 6 people.

1 bunch Swiss chard - 100 gr cc.a
a large carrot or a few small
half cabbage ( 300 gr)
half cabbage ( 300 gr)
a bunch of kale (200 g
1 onion - 1 stalk celery - parsley 1 large potato
or 2 small
1 large carrot or 2 small
facioli 500 grams of beans (cooked weight)
tomato paste
extra virgin olive
pepper-salt bread

Soak the beans overnight and then cook them in a quart and a half of water and a handful of salt. The broth that you'll get will then cook vs. vegetable soup, then the water must be in abundance. Now, someone will cry blasphemy, but when I hurry I use the excellent canned beans and the result is still excellent. When the beans are cooked, mash cream (keep aside a glass) with a hand blender and keep warm this stock.
Fate to fry the chopped onion, celery. Chop the parsley aside. When onions are well browned and celery in extra virgin olive oil, I add half a cup of homemade tomato sauce from grandma pull Molise and let the whole. The variant is that the tomatoes are whole, but I like most of the past. All scented with parsley. At this point I start adding the vegetables that I previously cut into thin slices (the cabbage and beets) and they do flavor in pan, wetting then the whole broth. When they are slightly wilted add the rest of the vegetables and beans left aside, and will cover all the stock of beans, and cook (well over an hour or if you prefer).
You got a good vegetable soup, fragrant and certainly tempting, but you can not talk about ribollita, not yet.
usually farmhouses in this soup are served on holidays, and the remains were then "annealed" and lengthened with the addition of bread soup. What is certain is that the version of "Day After" had much more success and there is no home in Tuscany not be prepared at least once a month.
Let vs the rest. soup to cool it and serve it only when you can bring to a boil, after having added some thin slices of stale bread.
I usually prefer to lightly toast the bread and place on a plate by way 'of toast, with a slight drizzle of olive oil, then poured the soup, let it rest and serve. In this way the bread does not "drink" all the stock turning the soup into a sort of pimp. The balance lies in the amount of bread you will use because the real stars of this dish is the vegetables.

This time, for a change, I ribollita served as an appetizer on toasted bread slices, sprayed a great new oil and fragrant black pepper.

Small note on the soundtrack of this post. The study of Chopin's "Revolution", which I invite you to listen to (you will also find great videos on youtube) is a great piece for piano virtuosity. The energy that is powerful and growing forward for most of the music. C'azzecca little with a dish like ribollita, but is very close to my state of mind these days. I hope you enjoy listening. Until next time.

Do Schools Still Wear Jockstraps?

Ronco Scrivia Evening Vallescrivia

To the second consecutive year, the site of Pro Ronco Scrivia , with the help of the fine. Hall, and the Park dell'Antola, will organize the day of Friday, January 28, 2011 an event to promote local countryside and Valle Scrivia, with the involvement of local producers and promotion of places, customs, customs and traditions. During the event, which will be held at the Cinema of Columbia Ronco Scrivia, and which will be set up exhibition space for local producers and information materials (brochures, publications) related to our territory, will be provided for the screening of the movie "The Parks of Liguria with ... the eyes of birds of prey, as well as the involvement of representatives of the Associations' parabasis ONLUS "and" GEB "Busalla. At 17:00, the holding of a Round Table on "Promoting tourism in Valle Scrivia" attended by: ANGEL BERLANGERI - Minister of Tourism, Region Liguria, ANNA Dagnino - Minister of Tourism, Province of Genova, Francesca Parodi - President Valleys Mountain Community Genovesi, ROBERTO COSTA - President Regional Park dell'Antola, BRUNA Terril - Regional President UNPLI, SILVANA BALBI - Alta Valle Scrivia Museum Network President and Trebbia. In the evening musical performance of songs traditional of the four provinces with the group ENERBIA. Info: Pro Loco di Ronco Scrivia 010.9657020 site or .

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Brent Everett Gallery

Paris: Tarte Tatin.

I love Paris - Ella Fitzgerald

Ah Paris ...
Each of us has a special place in the heart that causes heartache , excitement, surprise, nostalgia, desire, inspiration. I can say I traveled a lot for over twenty years and I'm lucky to have a job that makes the journey his reason for being. But of all the places I've seen, touched, loved and mourned, Paris remains strong, stable and stubborn in the first place. I know, I know, it's easy to say Paris and fly its outstanding array of wonders it is virtually impossible but I do not like making comparisons between one place and another because I have always found everyone in that particular that I made him unforgettable and dear.
But I do not know, there is a kind of enchantment in the city, something that will take you and addictive, a mysterious link which I have, even today, understand the reason. The fact is that I and my husband at least once a year, we must make a journey of devotion to Paris. Last November, for his birthday. 4 days of constant rain, fine as the spray of a perfume (even the rain is chic in Paris), what you hear, invisible, but you get wet from head to toe in minutes. Yet Paris was there, still beautiful in its elegance and po'distaccata: even the rain has managed to scratch the slightest ns. joy to be there.
The positive side is that the rain in search of places where to take shelter indoors, it ends up discovering special places, small bistro, boulangerie, wonderful pastries. And the hours fly sitting at a table by coating a crunchy baguette with salted butter or pate de campagne that ... ah ... nostalgia
So, to win the "ill-Paris" and have an excuse to eat something absolutely gorgeous, I decided today I do the Tarte Tatin.

admit a bit 'of embarrassment is my first time. It has always seemed a sweet and genuinely challenging, I felt always in awe with this recipe. I do not know exactly why, but after consulting my cookbooks, several magazines and asked for advice in Colombo, my Parisian friend, I decided to throw me.
It 's true that some of the most sensational sweets are the result of blunders. For this small cake, composed of ingredients the minimum is exactly what happened. Imagine preparing a dish for apple pie and forget lining with the pastry ... crazy stuff right? Yet, thanks to the carelessness of one of the sisters Tatin, which takes its name, today we have this little masterpiece of pastry. In its simplicity of composition, the result offers a sumptuous sweet and absolutely unforgettable. Here are a few ingredients we need for a cake of 24/26 cm:

  • 200 grams of flour 100 g butter
  • 4 / 5 golden apples or rennet
  • 3 / 4 tablespoons cold water
  • a pinch of salt in the flour
  • 140 grams of sugar (including cane if you prefer)
  • few drops of lemon.
First I prepared the pasta brise, poor cousin of the crust, crumble the butter into the flour with your fingertips. When the flour and butter mixture formed a grainy, I paid the 'water and mix everything very quickly how to do it for the pastry. Now the ball in the fridge, wrapped in foil, for at least 30 min.

brise While resting, I peeled the apples and cut into 8 wedges. The most challenging part was to prepare the caramel. At the first blow did not succeeded, I had a hard mass without form and I had to start over. Then I realized the trick. You have to put sugar in a frying pan from the top edge, pour a little water (a couple of tablespoons), and a few drops of lemon, which helps the oxidation and caramelization of sugar. The flame should be moderate and sugar should not be touched. Should melt without help, at most you can rotate the pan with the handle. When it gets dark, the caramel is ready now, it's up to us to choose whether we want it brown or blond. I removed the pan from heat and cool slightly while I left the buttered pan. Council to put a nice layer of butter on the bottom of the cake.
Then I poured the caramel and rotating the pan, I covered the whole bottom. I placed the slices of apple with the round part in contact with the caramel, very close to each other, making sure no gaps (important, because when he overthrew the cake cooler apples tend to go away and will still be a bit 'of their small size original having lost some' of their liquid).
Now that apples are in place in the pan, you have to stretch out with a brise rolling pin and roll the dough round 5 mm thick, able to create a lid on apples. Gently and the help of my rolling pin, I placed the dough on the apples and tried to "tucking" the dough around the apples around the edges, as is done with the covers of a bed. We can assist you with a knife or a wooden spatula, and try to imagine the effect that we want him, considering that when the cake will be reversed, those strips of pasta should be the ns. edges.
Inform at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce temperature to 180 degrees and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes, or however you see that the pasta begins to brown.
The Tarte Tatin is reversed almost immediately. It 'a very delicate and you may get burned because the caramel, with the juice of apples will be very liquid. Do not wait over 10 minutes, otherwise the apples stick to the pan and the effect will be ruined.
This cake is typically served hot. In Paris, I ate accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream or English, but I think his real death is a dollop of whipped cream.

My first Tatin failed badly. I love the flavor dellà brise "in contrast with the sweetness of caramelized apples. In some recipes, I noticed that you put the sugar in the dough of the brise, but I'd be more inclined to enhance the contrast, perhaps using the salted butter. Maybe next time I will.
Meanwhile, Bon Apetit!

With this post I participate in the Contest Morena on Softly sweet apple apple-eat

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cure Of Gall Bladder Polyp


February 9


For the next 9 February, the Government, on proposal of the Under Secretary Roccella, has established the National Day of the vegetative state. Event
questionable legal and constitutional because it tends to be characterized as "murder" freedom of choice over their lives.
With this level of government it intends to support the claim that the life of every citizen, rather than belong to those who live, both at the mercy of a parliamentary majority, or worse than its parts.
face of all this, it becomes imperative that all secular and democratic Italy is awakening and proclamations February 9th National Day of free choice, thus honoring the memory of those who paid with their lives for the assertion of the right to choose .

Monday, January 17, 2011

Funny Quotes About Starting Gym

Antola in February: the Wolf Sunday, February 13th, 2011 hike to the crib

An appointment to learn and study the biology of the wolf and understand the reasons that have allowed the return of the mammal along the Ligurian Apennines. A circular route from Caprile that will lead to the discovery of its habitat and the search for signs of the presence of the species. The hike will be preceded by a study with projected images and videos at the Refuge " Al Poggio and Caprile . In the case of the excursion will be made with snow on snowshoes. The meeting point is provided in the square of Caprile. Information and reservations required: Park headquarters Torriglia 010.944175 .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Long Do People Live After Thyroid Cancer

My first post!

Milonga del Ange l - Astor Piazzolla

The first post is like the first tooth, or like the first kiss or first love You never forget? It is certainly exciting and a bit 'strange and so there is a sort of shame at the thought that anyone could read them from somewhere, like when you peek inside a secret diary. He thought for a while 'time and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Blog intrigues me, but at the computer I have always been a goat, I did not know really where to put their hands. Then there are those meetings that will light up like a firework and fill you with energy, as has happened to me when I met the legendary Julia's Kitchen Jul - - blog beautiful and amazing photos, and voila , that's something that seemed light years away, now becomes a possibility.

begin this adventure on my birthday, making me a little, greatly desired gift.
In music, The Andante is a movement that is slow but not fast, an intermediate time where you can perform all the notes with quiet, but where there is already proposed for further development. There is an action that continues, that is, evolving.
L 'Allegro and' the right time of my life, I try to live with gusto.
will not miss a bit ' Music in this blog and accompany my every post with an invitation to listen to songs that I love very much, and that could be the soundtrack for each recipe. For this first post I chose the beautiful Milonga Del Angel Astor Piazzolla and the tango is not because (I confess a latent addiction to tango), but because it is a poignant song, a great atmosphere, perfect for listening in the background during dinner two, or why not, while preparing a nice risotto.

risotto with savoy cabbage, poppy seeds and toasted pine nuts
Returning from Molise, after the Christmas holidays I found myself with a fridge full of wonderful vegetables, the size and taste have nothing to do with that found in these parts at the supermarket. In particular, a cabbage-sized supernatural, I found it difficult to handle and finish. After having tried everything, stewed, boiled, in soup, au gratin, deformed, and find his family with the pitiful eyes of those seeking a respite, I decided that I would have closed the festival with a cabbage risotto. I love the versatility of risotto, we can prepare in any manner or color and is always delicious. Everything is using an excellent rice (parboiled my house is banned, reinstated only for salads .. poor) and the Christmas holidays have been generous in some stylish bags Carnaroli wonderful that I wanted to immediately put to the test.

Serves 4.
  • 300 grams of rice Carnaroli
  • 300 grams of cabbage
  • a shallot
  • a l. vegetable stock a small
  • robiola ( 80/100 gr)
  • extra virgin olive
  • 2 teaspoons poppy seeds 50 grams of pine nuts
  • prosecco or sparkling wine or dry white wine
After cutting the cabbage into thin strips, I made stew in a large pan with chopped scallions and browned in extra-virgin olive oil. I baked for 15 minutes, wetting it gradually with a little 'stock. Separately, in a nonstick saucepan, simmer shallots I oil (butter will rarely find in the bases of my risotto, but the reason for this I will have to talk later.) So I blasted the rice that I blended with excellent vintage brut Frescobaldi (half cup), put forward by the toast of my birthday. Frescobaldi's home draws have a happy event, but you can use the Prosecco or maybe champagne (Berva and then the rest while you enjoy the risotto). At this point begins to cook the rice with the broth, stirring constantly for 5 minutes I then added the cabbage and I continued to cook for the remaining time (10 minutes always adding broth until completely absorbed. Meanwhile, I toasted pine nuts in a pan, and I kept them aside. When cooked, slightly al dente, I turned off the heat, I added pine nuts, poppy seeds and a cube of fresh Robiolino, stir the risotto. My daughter has added some sprigs of rosemary to decorate the dish, but surprisingly, tasted, felt that aroma just enhances the whole.
The result was widely welcomed by the family. The classic taste of cabbage a distant memory, and the taste is very delicate, was animated by the scent of pine resin. Personally I liked it very much.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Becker Navigation Mapy

Ski-O Tour day 3

Dear all, I send you the latest from
participation Italan to ski or tour
third and last stage at which the Italian team took part and end with a beautiful
vitoria Elena Jagher in the sprint, third place for
Camilla Caserotti a reborn after the period
Australian and a difficult start to the season seems to have found the
dusting of better times, four great Zanetel
all enclosed in a few seconds and this gives us hope in the future sfaffetta,
Slightly more detached Pradel Mery but she also growing.
Slazzi raced in the category rather than the M20 despite some good defending
few days rest with a technical training
week on the slopes of Passo Coe on the net for Sunday's race,
Italian participation in the Cup race Sunday
and then probably will be announced this week the names of athletes
squad for the European Championships and World Championships
junores scheduled in Norway Jan. 30 to Feb. 7 2011Nicolò

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lista Film Mario Salieri In Streaming

Ski-O Tour Day 2

Day and the second stage of the ski or tour in 2011, race not long
hard snow transformed fast enough. The race is not
technically very difficult, but every barb at the end you pay,
today you need to do a good physical performance and even today
Slanzi Jordan M17 is second with a gap small compared to yesterday
winner from the usual (same as yesterday), while the third Canella Samuel
Bettega Fabiano pay a little distance.
In M20 Bettega Ivan suffers a bit harsh climbs and the end is only 10 °
Pretty good girls in the usual Swiss W20 wins, 3rd
Zanetel, Jagher 4 °, 5 ° Caserotti, 8th Pradel Mery
In Me won the Finn Staffan Tunis (rather triumphs with
2 'convenience, 31 ° Gabriele Canella (good his race but
detachment is 13'), Widmann instead is disqualified pm (passes
before but not punches),
trovte the charts if

Settlers Of Catan Seafarers And Cities

Ski-O Tour Day 1

I am sending you a short report on the first race of the ski or tour Austriae in St. Johann in Tyrol, with middle race arena is located at the sports center dellacittadina Austrian close to the center area of \u200b\u200brace interreno 70% open, semi-typical Austrian, with fast tracks for skiing and shady areas with restricted network snowmobile. Good holding about 250 runners almost 70 ME scandinaviarussia bul cze eng kaz on Gerben young Slanzi 2 ° 40.15 in M17 where he won Kugler Simon 3 rd Sam Canella, 4th Bettega Fabiano, M in the 18-20 win in 50.03 svizzeroAschvander sven, Ivano Bettega 10 ° 52.20, W 18 wins in lasvizzera Kleger Sara in 47.56, well Zanetel 3rd in 49.39 ahead aJagher 4th in 49.42 , Pradel 1.00,17 9 °, 10 ° Caserotti 1.05,41, MEvince in the Norwegian Lars Mohool 34.40, before the Russian Velešovice Kirirus 34.44, 3rd Swede Peter Arnesson 34.49, (3 in 9secondi), Canella 33 ° 42.48, 43 ° widmann Tomas 48.07.I first enclosed in a very limited release, our indifficoltà a little speed in both reading and technique, this datatype smear every race and indecision at the end you pay pesantementeDomani long race on the card does not seem as hard and always cercheremodi give massimoa Nicholas soon

Friday, January 7, 2011

Certificate Of Group Health Plan Coverage


A Torriglia itinerary from the picturesque village during the Christmas turns into a real "crib in the manger" recreating the charm of the Nativity of the rural life of yesteryear. L ' hike is medium difficulty with an uphill climb of about 300 meters and a journey time of approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. Torriglia is expected to return in the afternoon with a private bus ATP . Lunch will be served at the "Inn of the Robin."
The appointment will be at the headquarters of the Park. Info for reservations required tour and lunch: Headquarters Park Torriglia number 010.944175 .