Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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how sustainable transport will be the future?

's the question that many people ask: the car of tomorrow will be hydrogen or batteries? In this regard we point out the response of the German Hydrogen and fuel cells, which solves the dilemma: both because the two technologies are complementary. To start the hydrogen technology but still need some time to get them through a series of obstacles. Alternatively, the vehicle battery may prove a viable solution, provided that the electricity comes from renewable sources!
megagalattico Meanwhile, another proposal comes from the world of motor .....
Supercar .... You know, the car you drive alone without any driver that you put your hands? If that is the stuff of movies or distant future, you are mistaken. The car you drive alone really exists. It is called Lux \u200b\u200band will have its world premiere the Science Museum in London. Apparently, this car looks like a wonderland common four-door sedan, but it is full of ipersofisticati devices, like the three laser sensors (two front and one rear), as' intelligent eyes, "transmit images of the surrounding road to an onboard computer, in turn connected to a navigation system that received the information, revises and then forward the pictures of the car and what surrounds it in a radius of 200 yards (just over 180 meters), obstacles included. Lux is thus able to stop at stop signs and traffic lights, as well as nailing the brakes if the car in front suddenly accelerate or if the path is free, but also to avoid pedestrians particularly distracted or parked cars. Well, just push a button to enter the automatic pilot and forget it the labors of the steering wheel and all hassles related to it!


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