Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cheat Pokemon Light Platinum Gameshark

how sustainable transport will be the future?

's the question that many people ask: the car of tomorrow will be hydrogen or batteries? In this regard we point out the response of the German Hydrogen and fuel cells, which solves the dilemma: both because the two technologies are complementary. To start the hydrogen technology but still need some time to get them through a series of obstacles. Alternatively, the vehicle battery may prove a viable solution, provided that the electricity comes from renewable sources!
megagalattico Meanwhile, another proposal comes from the world of motor .....
Supercar .... You know, the car you drive alone without any driver that you put your hands? If that is the stuff of movies or distant future, you are mistaken. The car you drive alone really exists. It is called Lux \u200b\u200band will have its world premiere the Science Museum in London. Apparently, this car looks like a wonderland common four-door sedan, but it is full of ipersofisticati devices, like the three laser sensors (two front and one rear), as' intelligent eyes, "transmit images of the surrounding road to an onboard computer, in turn connected to a navigation system that received the information, revises and then forward the pictures of the car and what surrounds it in a radius of 200 yards (just over 180 meters), obstacles included. Lux is thus able to stop at stop signs and traffic lights, as well as nailing the brakes if the car in front suddenly accelerate or if the path is free, but also to avoid pedestrians particularly distracted or parked cars. Well, just push a button to enter the automatic pilot and forget it the labors of the steering wheel and all hassles related to it!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fuji Fp 100 Für Polaroid 600

M'illumino LESS

The radio program, Rai Due, Caterpillar has launched this year, February 13, 2009 awareness campaign on energy saving "M'illumino less" . In previous editions of less M'illumino has infected millions of people who have joined, in their own way, saving the day. Many Italian cities have involved common twin abroad making it possible to turn off lights all over the world, at the fifth international campaign.
Even in these days we asked ourselves what we could do well to talk and discuss issues related to the environment. So between a discussion and one we have developed a small handbook that offers simple everyday actions can help us to feel an active part in the fight to protect the planet. You also get used to think before every action, and together we will make BIG THINGS !!!!!!


1. turn off lights when not needed;

2. off and not left on standby for electronic devices;
3. frequent defrosting the refrigerator, keep the coil clean and distanziatela from the wall so that the air circulation;
4. put the lid on pots when boiling water and always avoid the flame is wider than the bottom of the pot;
5. if the temperature of your home is too high, lower the temperature of the radiator but never open the windows;
6. reduce the drafts of the frames of filling material that does not pass through air;

7. use tends to create spaces in front of the glass, the windows, exterior doors;
8. Do not leave curtains closed in front of radiators;
9. insert special insulating films and reflective of the exterior walls and radiators;
10. use as little as possible the machine, if necessary with those who share the same route or otherwise take the bus.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Was Milena Velba Ever Pregnant?

Phnom Penh huge dump

in the capital Phnom Penh in Cambodia, there is a landfill, a huge field of dirt, where you see many people wandering.
These are to survive in these huge fields of waste, waiting for the trucks that go to download and impels them to search for something to eat or clothes to wear. For them there is still a lot of profits from the wastes!
Seeing these pictures we can deduce that people who live there have never seen better life.
In this city you can not go around without an umbrella or you may catch a bit of acid rain, because there's so much pollution that the sky is often yellow.
That's what struck me most of the show in Foligno and that led me to this thought:
we can not continue to consume so much, to waste what can still be used and produce much waste!"
Recycling is action that must be part of our habits and not be something only occasional and sporadic because only one swallow does not make a summer!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Infection And Low Ferritin

a lifestyle choice

the show "a lifestyle choice" which took place in the cinema of Foligno on 11 / 02/2009 had as theme issues related to collection and issues related to this one.
One of the highlights that struck us most during the show, was when the protagonist has stopped to talk about the dump, Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, where poor people live in landfills, and while the garbage truck come to download the waste you throw under these to be able to get something to eat or put on him. In Cambodia, an umbrella when it rains is not used only for shelter but to prevent acid rain will ruin your clothes and skin.
Another thing which, like us, I think it appealed to many others on the show, was when they talked about Amilcar Cabral, a famous poet of Guinea in the world, became an activist because they dream of the independence of Guinea . One day an Italian reporter interviewed him, and during this interview the Italian wanted to light a cigarette but his discharge was lighter, just as everyone would have done the lay on the ground. You know what made that gesture Cabral? He bent and picked it up by saying that everything was nell'accendino could be recycled. A Grim
interesting story was that the life of Beppe Venturini, born into a poor family, was to round of dives and went to collect mussels, through this work he discovered his passion for the sea. One day while he was in the water saw a wall of jellyfish and that he was immersed in all the oceans of the world said that he had never seen something more beautiful. He walked over and saw that they were not jellyfish but plastic bags.
These examples make us reflect on the great problem of pollution of our planet and how great men are also environmentally conscious. If they do their why can not we? Many small droplets to behave correctly make a great sea of \u200b\u200bprotection for the planet!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pregnancy Congratulation


The Lions Club of Spoleto, in collaboration with Lions Club of Assisi, Foligno, Gualdo and Nocera Umbra Tadino Saturday, January 31 organized at the auditorium of the Institute Police Spoleto, a symposium on "Energy and environment: from problem to opportunity." The topics were as a guide opportunities for change that the sun, and renewable alternative energy source, can provide through its light and warmth in the energy landscape world.

intervention that has 'glued' to the public on the chair was to Gianluigi Angelantoni, administrator of the homonymous Angelantoni Industrie SpA, a multinational based in Massa Martana that for many years has taken up the challenge of sources alternatives. Developing some advanced systems. The last of which was produced by solar energy Archimedes, was presented to the guests of the Congress. A device capable of capturing solar energy through a parable that reflects this energy on a pipe carrier in which there is a solution of salts. This solution is able to reach the temperature 600 ° C and produce steam that can power a turbine that generates electricity. This, in turn, thanks to subsea power lines, will be distributed worldwide. Not only that. Not all the energy generated will be 'sent' to the turbine: the low temperature, in fact, could be re-used to desalinate sea water. With many effects, also of great social impact: the ability to make fertile the desert areas, creating sustainable development for the people afflicted by hunger and thirst, that of reducing, if not to block migration. Megaimpianto a thermodynamic solar covers an area of 1,600 square kilometers (3 times the area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Spoleto), would be able to meet the energy needs. One of 210x210 km (only 1% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sahara) to the entire planet would suffice.

Appeals simplification - Speakers include also the entrepreneur Victor Castrianni Spoleto, administrator and Ediltermica, a company that has long been engaged in the installation of alternative energy systems. Castrianni, coordinator of the Lions Club Spoleto, after pointing out the importance of developing a new culture of sustainability, has called for greater involvement of public institutions and called for administrative simplification that can better reach expectations. This is the text of his speech: "My sincere thanks go to the authorities, speakers and all of you present here to participate, with the hope that the work this morning can contribute to the acquisition of awareness about what needs to be done for sustainable growth, reduced emission of carbon dioxide, which is essential to prevent the increasingly worrying phenomenon of global warming.

The slogan of the convention states: "Energy and environment: from problem to opportunity." What it means. Given the current economic situation and prospects on the horizon for the foreseeable future, it is necessary - as argued by many scholars - "a comprehensive review of the dominant development model." The question that arises is: "We are willing to do a review of the current model for sustainable development?".

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Modd Brother Thermal Printer

We eco-friendly!

are reading our article! WoW! Thanks for giving us a minute of your time, your life and give it to us, but especially safeguarding " GAIA", our land, to 'habitat that surrounds us and in which we live. We ask, beg, do not recommend abusing, Let's start to keep it clean. Do not forget to remember it all!

We are the 3rd Middle School D- Pianciani Manzoni di Spoleto, we are only 18 (a portion of the population too small to be able to save the world from pollution!), But we are struggling to the salvation of our planet, against the "evil pollution." We are doing everything to protect and defend our environment, not a bad idea if you you made a small effort every day to help nature . Help, help yourself and who you care about.

We are here every week to expect Many send comments and information. Our and your ideas to help the planet.
Greetings to all of you who are on our side!
PS Do you expect all your friends and friends of their friends visit this site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!