Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trial Sentinel Dongle Emulator

Competition "Honey Park in Liguria" - 2010 Edition - Torriglia, November 28, 2010

The 2010 edition of the Competition " Mieli Park in Liguria " has been very successful participation among beekeepers Ligurian have attended by 98 beekeepers, who submitted 217 samples.
Park which saw the largest meeting ever was to Beigua, with 27 and 58 samples of bee honey bee 23 dell'Antola Park, Park lead, have participated with great enthusiasm (on this occasion Beekeepers Cooperative Trebbia celebrates its 25th anniversary) honey has 46, followed by the Park of Monte Marcello break-Slim, with 17 beekeepers and 32 samples, then the Parks and Portofino dell'Aveto beekeepers with 13 each, respectively, 28 and 34 honeys from the first second, then the National Park Cinque Terre Beekeepers with 4 and 11 samples of honey to finish the small parks at the ends of the arc of Liguria: the Park of Portovenere in the east with 2 and 5 participating beekeepers and total samples, nell'imperiese the Park with the Ligurian Alps 2 and 3 honey bee.
These are the results of the 2010: 36 honey bees have won 3 gold, 83 samples have been awarded two golden bees and 36 samples have been rewarded with a golden bee.
"For the second time in four years - says the President of the Park Roberto Costa - the competition" Honey Park in Liguria "takes place in the Park dell'Antola, on this evidence the Park Board to their beekeepers and producers in general and typical of the Valle Scrivia Trebbia, for which this event is an important opportunity for the use and visibility.
The statement complete with charts, the delivery of the bees and the participants on the site of the Park dell'Antola

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hindi Matter For Wedding Cards

ee Conference Call "Honey Park in Liguria" 2010 - Sunday November 28, 2010

"Good agricultural practices in favor of beekeeping"

9 am Registration of participants 9.15 am 10.00 am Welcome and
-Antonio Federici - Park dell'Antola
"Flavors of the Park", a project of developing the area and local production
-Marc Storace - Region Liguria
A new threat to chestnut Ligurian cinipide of the chestnut-
Ruggero Petacchi - Scuola Superiore S. Anna di Pisa
management of defense against pests in relation to beekeeping. The case of the olive-Roberto Barbero
in Liguria - Piemonte Aspromiele
Update on treatment of disease and parasites of bees
Franco-Formigoni - Region Liguria
regulatory updates for beekeeping: Beekeeping
the registry office at the end of the beekeepers reporting will be able to ask questions and seek clarification and technicians.
Award for best honey quality and delivery of Certificates to beekeepers
At the end there is a "beekeeper's lunch" at the "From Ostaia Becassa", loc. Ponte Trebbia Torriglia.

Competition Mieli Park in Liguria "
This year, with the competition "Honey Park in Liguria, Ligurian Parks beekeepers have had the opportunity to verify the quality of their honey, both in terms of chemical-physical and organoleptic. The competition is the result of a concrete and effective cooperation between the regions, provinces and park authorities, strongly supported by the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Genoa, which involved, since 2004, the Province of La Spezia, Savona and Parks Liguria (Cinque Terre National Park and the Regional Nature Parks: the Ligurian Alps, Antola, you, Beigua Montemarcello-Magra, Portovenere and Portofino), from 2009 have also joined the Province of Imperia with the Park of the Ligurian Alps newly created, enlarging the boundaries of the Parks competition in the region. This edition sees as leading the Regional Natural Park Park dell'Antola that, under the coordination of the Coop. Earthsea, has followed the bankruptcy proceedings and organized the final day with the awards ceremony of the honey and the conference "Good agricultural practices in favor of beekeeping. For the occasion provided the collaboration of the City of Torriglia and Proloco. 155 honey samples have passed the selections and will be rewarded at the end of the conference with a certificate of quality Torriglia and the coveted "golden bees." The park, which saw the largest participation was that of Beigua beekeepers with 27 and 58 samples of honey beekeepers Antola Park 23, Park lead, participated with great enthusiasm (on this occasion Trebbia Beekeepers Cooperative celebrates its 25th anniversary) has 46 honey, followed by the Park of Monte Marcello break-Slim, with 17 beekeepers and 32 samples, then the Parks and Portofino dell'Aveto with 13 beekeepers and each, respectively, 28 and 34 honeys the first second, then the National Park of Cinque Terre with 4 and 11 samples of bee honey to finish the small parks at the ends of the arc Liguria: the Park of Portovenere in the east with 2 and 5 participating beekeepers and total samples, nell'imperiese, the Park of the Ligurian Alps with 2 and 3 honey bee. Regarding the type of honey brought to the competition, as usual, the wildflower honey proves most popular with 95 samples from the Ligurian bee, honey locust follows with 57 samples, 34 samples are of chestnut honey, the 23 honeydew , 6 samples of lime, a sample of one of heather and bramble.

Conference and Award Ceremony of the best honeys
dell'Antola The Torriglietta Park Authority, via Providence NS

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Liguria on the most authentic online maps of George Mazzarello

True knowledge of an area such as Liguria necessarily passes through the visit of the natural environments that better than anything they are able to tell the story of places and people. A walk along a path surrounded by a forest, a hike along a rocky coast overlooking the sea, or through the terraced cultivated by man, literally descending into all aspects to taste. This is hiking, exploring slow leaving time to observe and think. All this is contained in the topographic maps for hiking "mini MAPS OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES," which can be found on the site . These color cards complete, detailed and updated with reference scale 1:25.000. On each card, in addition to the usual geographic information are also specific information about: Hiking trails on foot, bike, horseback and mountain climbing with skis or snowshoes, metalled roads and trails facilities; Rocky facilities where you can enjoy the 'Climbing; Waterways suitable to be let down by streams or kayaks and canoes. The cards are also complemented by both its natural features and information more generic nature of tourism as an indication of: Parks, Nature Reserves, sanctuaries, scenic spots, ancient mills and old farms, etc..
The author first backpackers on foot or by mountain bike, long hikes in our mountains, and then meticulously lists every track, every emotion, every small detail on the paper designed and implemented progressively as "explore" the territory. Currently, the "mini MAPS OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES" present and available on the website does not yet cover the whole of Liguria, but the author is willing to complete them and keep them updated so as to be truly reliable.
On the author has made available to users even a complete set of 6 plates of maps, the "mini MAPS CAR", made by the author and specially designed to move along the Ligurian territory in car, motorbike and bicycle, and very useful to reach the various areas of hiking maps "mini MAPS OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. All the various boards of the two sets of cards are freely displayed, but is not allowed either to download or print. An important project and perhaps a little ambitious, which is aimed at a type of tourism slower, more sustainable and more environmentally friendly compared to the hit and run vehicle, an initiative worthy of note to promote our country and our traditions.
(excerpt from the press release, the full description of the page 20giorgio 20mazzarello.htm )

Tally 7.2 Software Exception C000005

Test skiroll November 20, 2010

Last skiroll test of the season, this time trying to freestyle about 7 km, 5 and 2 flat in the final climb with a gradient of about 6 / 8%, here are the final times and split times.

Kanna 04'36 "-12 '38" -20 '26 "
Federico 05'12" -14 '33 "-23 '46"
Ivano 06'30 "-15 '34 "-24 '47"
Jordan * 06'08 "-17 '11" -28 '00 "
Claudia 06'31" -17 '57 "-29 '18"

Alice 05'09 "-14 '14"
Walter 05'30 "-15 '00"
Samuel 05'38 "-15 '36"

* Skiroll from classical

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Write A Marriage Contract

view from the Mount Royal Ronco Scrivia in Valle Scrivia

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Men Erection In Saunas

Torriglia "Honey Park in Liguria - Sunday, November 28, 2010

Competition Mieli Park in Liguria. " Final meeting and awards ceremony beekeepers participants.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Walmart Upc On Receipt

Quotazero - Meet the M. Royal 14. Landscapes on the High Street in November 2010

rally at Mount Royal (above Ronco Scrivia ) of Quotazero Forum for fans of mountain climbing, hiking, canoeing, climbing and more. Suits the info on the organization, schedules etc.. to forum

Chest Pain Dizzy Cocaine

dell'Antola - November 14 2010

Next Sunday Park dell'Antola organizing this great walk: the Chapel of San Fermo, situated in panoramic position in 1176 m of altitude, along a pleasant path that leads to the summit of M. Dark (1400m) along the so-called High Street dell'Antola. Its wide top overlooking the grassy valleys Vobbia, and Brevenna Borbera and, from the cross that stands on the top, the view from the sea to the Alps. The return is scheduled along a ring (total journey time 2h 30 '., 230m altitude difference) with the opportunity to stop for lunch (lunches) at the parking area of \u200b\u200bSan Fermo. Duration: half day (morning). Meeting: pass of San Fermo (Alta Vobbia) Info and reservations required: Park headquarters 010.944175.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Order Npr Media Player


With this (and other) photos a great visual impact - the Stone Castle, "long ago" the mountains of Val Vobbia "attacked" sandy desertification - the Province of Genoa got a special mention at the 2010 Bica (Biennial Int Environmental Communication). photos (intentionally amplified as stated by the authors) will be part of the exhibition (Created by the Foundation Muvita) " the climate that we " from 11 to 18 December at the Palazzo Doria Spinola (headquarters of the province) Genoa ( free admission) and devoted to the effects of climate change taking place in our region of Liguria. "

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Tamazapen To Work

LIFE? Live in the midst of nature but with so many interesting people? This is not a commercial / spam but the band for the operation of the new shelter on sull'ANTOLA Valley Brugneto

Ligure Section of the CAI, which operates under an agreement with the Park Authority Antola Refuge Antola Park, located near the summit M. Antola, is looking for a new manager.

Since early February, in one of the snowiest winter in decades, the volunteers had increased in CAI Antola, led by Gianfranco Caforio, dubbed "Sherpa dell'Antola", supported then by many others including some of those engineers who have worked with the Park in the management of sophisticated plant that governs all the vital functions of the refuge (solar, generator, wood boiler, pumps for the supply of ' , water, gas boiler, etc.).. The ideal retreat will be a synthesis of many qualities: lumberjack, electrician, plumber, carpenter, bricklayer, cook, waiter, an expert on weather, trails and first aid, capable of protecting the environment and those who go to the mountains and to offer hospitality and restaurant emphasizing local products, and , if it comes from one of the valleys dell'Antola, will also bring an added value of local knowledge invaluable. The more the tender for the management will be disseminated, the more the Refuge will have a significant presence in a position to give satisfaction to the many requests for hospitality and use.

sez.Ligure For this reason, the CAI and the Park Antola agreed economic conditions really interesting: who among the candidates, prove to possess the requisite qualities will count for at least three years, at a reduced rent to a minimum and concentrate, without other concerns, the validity and on the reality of supply management.

The application form, together with the Special Chapter with its annexes, can be downloaded from websites: in the band or

Info: CAI Ligure Genova - Galleria Mazzini 7 / 3 16121 Genova tel. 010-592122, fax 010-8601815, e-mail segreteria.cailigure @ - \u200b\u200bAntola Park Authority: tel. 010-944175, fax 010-9453007, e-mail