Wednesday, April 29, 2009

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born 'Earth' first ecologist Italian newspaper La

The last was born April 15, 2009 the first newspaper on the environment, the environment! Heading the newspaper is Pine Maula that says: " Earth is a means to disseminate and spread as such refusal to the new obscurantism that is falling on our country, not a journal of protest hippies, but for lovers of chicory talk about looking at science through a scientific committee that will examine carefully and impartially the issues that will face. "The newspaper is made up of sixteen page tabloid, which will deal news, Foreign Affairs, but also sport and entertainment. This newspaper is a collaboration indirect green-ecologist with the group of our politicians. The first issue is devoted entirely to the drama of the earthquake in Italy. The deputy director Vincenzo Mulè says: "We want to talk about the haste with which they are scouring the affected areas. A suspected hurry: we do not want the hustle is there to hide faults. "The paper used for newspaper is environmentally friendly.

Monday, April 27, 2009

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Earth Day

last Wednesday, April 22, 2009, was the anniversary of the XXXIX Earth Day, also called Earth Day, as it is born in America at the behest of Senator Gaylord Nelson. It 'an international event, celebrated today in 174 countries worldwide.
The purpose of this day is to become more sensitive man before the environment. Today's global economy is growing at breakneck speed and with it unfortunately also increase fuel consumption, pollution, climate change and environmental issues. Precisely for this reason, the slogan should be " sustainability" and all need to be mobilized to implement it.
On this day the man makes peace with the planet where he lives. It is also the day the symbol of environmental awareness group, in which each of us has the daunting task of educating all know (friends, relatives, etc. ..) as well as politics and the economy itself, so that everyone can contribute to improve the planet.
addition, Earth Day can be a little more opportunity to feel responsible for all of our land, why make it better .... who said that we can not change the world? We believe that the future is also global in our hands! What do you think?

Monday, April 20, 2009

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In Germany more than 700 churches are powered by solar energy produced by photovoltaic panels. Baio and the publisher of the Italian Chamber of Commerce - Germany will hold a conference entitled "Solar Energy for the churches - Italy and Germany for a project common. " The conference will be held December 4, 2010 from 9am to the "Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista in Venice. The idea is that the Fiat Lux presented the project to the Presidency of the Central Clergy Sustenance. It is not only PV but also mini-wind. The Vatican is starting to use solar energy to power efficiency.
Photovoltaic panels have the power to convert sunlight directly into electricity. The resulting power can meet the needs of a church, a monastery or a convent. The most sensitive religious orders such as Franciscans, Benedictines and the Salesians, move in this direction.
In those countries, France, Austria, Germany, attention to the sun is very large, 750 parishes in Germany using photo voltaic panels, in Italy is still struggling to find a church that has made use of photovoltaic technologies.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

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bottled water or tap water? Eternal dilemma! Home

The water in the world is a lot but only 2.5% is potable and drinkable, all that is left is salt water. Approximately 69.8% comes from the glaciers, 30.9% comes from the ground instead, and then 0.3% from the lakes and rivers. Most of the water comes from aquifers that are fed by rainwater that falls onto the ground is absorbed by that allowing the slopes to fill and become reservoirs of drinking water.
In Italy, for example, drinking water comes mainly from aquifers that are cleaner and protected from pollution, because sheltered from the large layer of rock above the aquifer that serves as a filter, instead of water in reservoirs that is more polluted.
Why use bottled water?
The reason is obvious: since there is virtually no information on the quality of the tap at home, has naturally led to think that this has none of the properties claimed by the bottled water, but in fact the quality Italian drinking water is good, there are no grounds for considering the mineral water healthier. This does not mean that bottled water is not of good quality. Overestimate the mineral, however, is unreasonable, just as wary of the aqueduct water, regular and strictly controlled in terms of hygiene. Drinking one or the other is a particular choice of taste, flavor and possibly linked to the desire of bubbles. No particular virtue, and therefore no risk involved: drinking from the bottle or the tap is a significant difference only for your wallet!
And then .... Here is our flyer created to advertise the tap water!!
What do you think? Accepted recommendations to improve public water home!

the way, I forgot, Monday May 4 in our city, Spoleto, will open the first fountain of sparkling water. Definitely a great event that witnesses the great attention that our city has with regard to sustainability! If you come near the opening at Piazza D'Armi, 12.00.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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sustainable future for our

Password: thermal insulation for walls, roofs and roof! The windows are low transmission and control of solar radiation is provided through sports for the shading on the faces east, south and west and photovoltaic panels. Buderus is House, a project with a strong cultural impact, created with the intent to raise awareness among professionals and the general public on respect for the environment and use of energy resources. The devices are many, control of solar radiation on the south side to avoid overheating in summer and north of the sealed doors, collecting and reusing rainwater, research orientation better to have good natural light . To date, unfortunately, the energy generated from green resources is not yet able to cover all needs of an entire house. For this there are also traditional technologies. The house has seven different systems of power generation: solar thermal and photovoltaic panels, a geothermal heat pump in air to water, a condensing boiler to natural gas, biomass, and finally a system of air circulation. All can be used independently and individually their contribution is accounted for assessing the economic improvements in the pockets of consumers.
The building is oriented with ideal exposure in relation heliothermic axis and the direction of prevailing winds. It 'been paid great attention to control and water thermal structure, from the absolute closure of the northern front to using idoneangisole on the porch to the south.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

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The school is mobilizing to collect aluminum

The school-Pianciani Manzoni since 2 February is actively collecting aluminum. There are many classes that have joined the initiative promoted by the VUS of Spoleto and also eco-friendly us, as we are concerned with saving the planet, we could not feel themselves compelled to work for this collection.
Some questions arise spontaneously talking about this material and we have tried to give answers that might be useful now, and especially for the future, your future sustainable !

- Recycled aluminum is present in Italy? -
- You just think that all Italian coffee makers are made of recycled aluminum!

- Aluminum is recyclable?
- Yes, 100% and infinity

- It really saves by using recycled aluminum?
- Yes For a pound of aluminum extraction process requires 15mW, but to get the same amount from aluminum are recycled only 0.2mw, a savings of 20 times

- What is the benefit we get, in addition to savings, from recycled aluminum?
- recycled from aluminum you can get many things. Here is a small list:
• With 37 cans can make a coffee.

• All coffee produced in Italy (7,000,000 units) are made of recycled aluminum. • 3 cans will make a pair of glasses.
• With 130 cans building a scooter.
• With 640 cans can make a car rim.
cans • With 360 you can build a racing bicycle.
cans • With 800 you can build a bike complete with accessories.
• With 1 kg of recycled aluminum saves 45,100 calories, which is the energy of 210 bulbs lit for 1 hour. Now some news
has the symbol Al Aluminium is extracted mainly from bauxite ore
are significant and its resistance to ' oxidation , its softness, and its lightness. Aluminium is used in many industries to manufacture millions of different products and it is very important for the world economy. Aluminum is a soft, lightweight but strong, with a silver-gray appearance due to the thin layer of oxidation that forms quickly when exposed to air and to prevent corrosion. Aluminium has a specific gravity of about one third of ' steel . From the industrial point of view this lightweight metal is produced from bauxite, rock, red-brown or yellow. It is completely recyclable, and you may use al'infinito, just think that in Italy almost all the coffee pots are made from recycled aluminum. The recovery of this metal from waste (through recycling ) has become an important part of the aluminum industry. Recycling is not new, is a common practice since the early twentieth century . It was still a low-profile until the early '60s when Recycling cans put this practice in the public eye. The sources for the recycling of aluminum frames and include cars, appliances, containers and other products. Recycling is very convenient: to produce a pound of aluminum ready for use from scrap costs less than 1 kWh, compared to about 13-14 from the mineral production. The aluminum used to produce the new object will not end up in a landfill and this simplifies the problem of where to put our garbage. So when you put your cans in a container for recycling, you know that will be used to produce a new object. But how? Can be used as a can be transformed into a sealed container or in a part for a car or a plane?
The aluminum recycling plant

When the can was taken from the point of collection, is crushed and taken to the recycling facility. The plant has four stages:
1) The aluminum used, which is stained, painted and sometimes coated is placed on a conveyor belt and cut into small pieces. Along the same tape, then passes through the large magnets. This removes the steel and other metals that were set with aluminum. It 's a necessary procedure because other metals are recycled in different ways.
2) The aluminum is then loaded into a furnace designed to remove dirt and paint. The oven is heated until the paint and other coatings do not dissolve, separating from aluminum, and are then sucked away by powerful fans.
3) While still hot, the pieces of aluminum were placed in a furnace, which melts them completely and shuffle them to ensure a good quality for reuse.
4) After the merger, aluminum is poured into large molds and is ready to be sold.
short, waste aluminum is a waste, do not understand why people complain of too much garbage, then when something is not to be thrown together with others to reduce their volume do not we? What do you need the separate collection?