Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Any Where Indian Hairy

return to talk about sustainable homes: Alto Adige and the project CasaClima

A House ecology, energy efficient, economical, for an absolute comfort
ClimateHouse What? For
"CasaClima" means a house designed to obtain significant energy savings compared to a traditional building. The
CasaClima is classified by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and certified with the label CasaClima.
Since 2005, the Province of Bolzano, in Italy first introduced the requirement for energy certification for homes, with the aim of achieving the objectives set by the EU in terms of reduction of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The eco-house has a power consumption of less than 50 kwh per square meter per year, while a traditional home consumes 90 to 120 kwh per square meter per year.
the center of this example in ecology is the man who has the desire to live in comfort and who wants a healthier lifestyle. The construction of "Case Climate" may be a first step towards sustainability!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How To Hack A Mother Sim


Desertec take over the project, which we spoke a few weeks ago at the Spoleto conference, to give some interesting on in this work that uses solar energy in the Sahara desert. Harness solar energy in the Sahara desert. A group of scientists, which also participates in the Nobel Prize for Physics Carlo Rubbia, launched the project Desertec. The idea is based on the simple fact that in just six hours on the African continent get a lot of solar energy equal to that consumed in the world in one year. If the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East were covered by solar systems for 0.3% of their surface energy could supply the entire European continent over the same area m ediorientale and North Africa. In addition, the absence of CO2 emissions in the production of electricity. In a nutshell: clean, renewable energy and resold. The Middle East region could soon work alongside the black gold with yellow gold. Archimede project in Africa in the project of solar Desertec, promoted by the physicist Gerhard Knies, are based on solar thermal power technology, already implemented by the project Archimedes Rubbia Priolo and Spain. Solar energy is reflected by mirrors and focused into a tube to heat the liquid and result in a natural circulation in the system. The flow of the liquid generates useful energy to drive turbines and thus generate energy. It is thus not of photovoltaics.

Criticism Desertec
The project is not without its critics. First, the excessive cost. The project Desertec requires an investment of 400 billion euro. The cost aspects one of the main critics of this promising technology. Secondly, the political stability of Middle Eastern and North African countries. This technology is still experimental second aspect can greatly affect the calculation of investment risk and hence the practical difficulties in accessing finance.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hyperintense Lesion Cause

Pollution In 2020

We live in a world full of chaos and noise! This too is a form of pollution that is often overlooked, but which can cause serious damage to human ... Noise pollution is caused by excessive exposure to sounds and noises of high intensity . This situation can be created in cities and in natural environments. The law provides the definition of noise pollution, "the introduction of noise in the living or the external environment likely to cause annoyance or disturbance to rest and to human activities, risk to human health, deterioration of ecosystems, property , monuments, living environment or outdoor environment or that interferes with the legitimate fruition environments themselves "The noise propagates in the air but also in the materials. The propagation speed is different depending on the material crossed. Some materials are able to reduce the speed of sound absorbing and partly for this characteristic are called absorbing. It 's very important to keep in mind the characteristics of materials when building in order to achieve good sound insulation and so protect our hearing!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Equity Dealer Interview

noise operation at nuclear power?

believe that we can work with atomic energy in 2020? Catastrophe and excited uranium calibrated your emotions because, perhaps, not the central ones will never see! While praising Obama for renewable energy, we proceed to slogans and counter. And now we come to the crux of the matter. The Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and French President Nicolas Sarkozy signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in nuclear matters. The agreement lays the groundwork for a European nuclear policy is shared between the two countries.
The relationship between France and Italy, celebrated with great pomp is undoubtedly a historic agreement. The statements by the Prime Minister: "We must wake up from our sleep, adequate, because the future is in renewable energy and nuclear power," Berlusconi said Italy will work making it known that "the construction of more nuclear power stations in France and other countries "and" will address the construction of nuclear power plants in Italy. France and Italy are interested to cooperate on nuclear energy. With its own nuclear now in sharp decline, France needs partners to revitalize and re-finance new power plants and this is probably the reason why a Sarkozy in Rome. Yet, for the whole day on February 24, newspapers and television bombarded us with the news that Italy and France have reached agreement for the construction of four nuclear power plants, giving it as certain and established. What do you think of this story? Tell us what you think.